Extra Easy So close to giving up!


You have to not be so hard on yourself. You're not the first or last person to have a few days of eating bad during a diet. You really have to draw a line underneath the last few days and move on from it. Concentrate on the now because you can't change the past.

I don't know if you can turn it around before Tuesday but you won't know unless you try! And don't worry about having a possible gain at weigh in, it happens to us all at some point (it can even happen after sticking to the plan 100% sometimes). Don't let it dishearten you if you do gain this week or stay the same. It would be a shame to waste all the hard work you have done so far by just giving in now.

Can I ask why you're trying to lose all the weight before May? Sometimes setting ourselves deadlines can put us under pressure that we don't need. It may be making you feel panicked at having to lose so much weight so fast and when you eat bad sometimes you may feel like your deadline is never going to be reached so you can just end up giving up on the diet instead.

Maybe be a little bit easier on yourself and don't give yourself a timescale to lose the weight by. It doesn't matter how long it takes to get there.
hi sharlet

dont worry, try being optomistic.
like thinking the end of may is still 8 or 9 weeks away which is plenty of time to lose 10 to 15lb and when you get back to work you can carry on losing those last few pounds that gets you where you want to be! :)

i myself have just blown it the last two days but it was my b'day.
2moro i go on the hen night, but, what can i do? life goes on and we just have to go with it, i am. and i am gonna enjoy myself cos i dont want to look back in years to come and think how much i weighed on my daughters hen night! i want to laugh at the fun we had :banana dancer::banana dancer:

cathie xx
I've got 2 kiddies, joined first time round when DS was 6 weeks and got to target in 11 months
I joined 2nd time when Dd was 9 days old so I fully understand!

Not sure if it's been mentioned before but the slow cooker is a mums best friend!
I cook joints of meat, whole chickens, bolegnese, soups, stews all in the slow cooker.
They take 2 mins in the morning to throw in the pot and all you have to do is turn it on and leave it.
Come tea time just cook some veg or pasta and you're done!
I feel I have to lose the weight before I go back to work!

lost 13lbs got 15lbs to go!

Oh hunny, no one will judge you on a few pounds after having a baby, and if they do then they're sad gits who need to get over themselves!

If I were you I would stick to the plan make it a habit, pretend that you're going to work and plan your lunch etc (so it's part of the routine and not just something else to stress about on your return).
Tell yourself you are maintaining your current weight, don't expect to lose, to avoid the emotional roller coaster. I can almost guarantee that you will lose weight once you're back at work and juggling home/work life.

I've just had a thought an forgive me if I've got this wrong, is it your weight you're upset about or going back to work? Be honest about it, face your fears, talk to your partner (if he's not the type to freak out and start to worry about money...mine would!) talk to friends who have done it. They know how it feels, write down all the things that are worrying you about the return -worst case scenarios and how you would deal with them.
I know it simply isn't possible nowadays to give up work and it makes me sad that life is like this now. But you aren't alone xxx
Thank you for your kind support.
I know what people are like at work and they'll be thinking i haven't bothered losing the baby weight. Which is true so so far! I can't even blame it on the baby really, I ate anything and everything when I was pregnant. I went up 4 dress sizes!
Need to really stick to this diet! For my own happiness. Why is losing weight so hard! Even more when there's no time for exercise. Do u think walking makes much of an impact on weight loss?
Thanks every1 it really means alot to know I can talk to people x

lost 13lbs got 15lbs to go!
No one will think that at all Hun! I doubt anyone is expecting you to come back looking as you did before you were pregnant!

Walking is great body magic!! With all this lovely weather we've been having as well why waste it being stuck in a gym! Get little one bundled up in the buggy get your trainers on and power walk it round the park or even just the streets!!

I set myself a target date for losing weight too as I go on holiday in three weeks. I won't hit my target but will hopefully get my stone award before I go (I don't have lots to loose) but it has put extra pressure on me, particularly weeks when I've gained or not lost a lot and has got me down. I've decided that I'll just carry on when I get back off my holiday! Keep at it hun, looking at your sig you want to loose another stone, that's possible but even if you loose half that that's still a massive achievement!

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