So happy!


Silver Member
Hi all,
I went shopping this morning and saw a lovely pair of jeggings. I always buy for the kids but never myself so i thought sod it and put them in the basket.
I didn't even know if they would fit as they are a size 24 and for the past couple of years i have had to buy 26/28.
I got home and put them on and they are perfect. Even got a compliment off my OH which is rare lol.
Anyway, i am over the moon as this means i can now buy stuff without having to be restrcited to shops selling skirts in sizes xl/ xxl etc :D
Ordered my next supply of Exante this morning so hopefully that will be here tomorrow xx
Thats great hun. X
Well done, that's fab :hug99: xx
Well done. What a wonderful feeling that must have been., and to get a compliment :)
Your weight loss is great. Keep up the good work.
Shopping for new clothes & being able to buy stuff you like is one of the best things about this diet isn't it. Well done kk
Amazing :) Well done .. can't wait to go into Topshop and wear a size pair of 12 jeans that fit perfectly - I find topshop come up smaller - that's when I know I'll be able to enjoy shopping without having to try on 20 things and liking zero of them xox
Im feeling u there, before i put on weight i was a size 10 and i loved shopping, now i hate it so cant wait to be even a 14 so its easier to find clothes! x
Same here! Before I put on weight I was a size 6-8 .. I miss that size .. I remember wearing a pair of jeans from gap that read (us) size 2!!! they were a little tight but i was just like wow! its the biggest high seeing your dress decrease but can be damaging if you have a mind like mine lol .. now up to a (uk) 18!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to be a 12 because that is a nice healthy size .. then hopefully decrease to a 10 so I can wear my 'goal' dress :) xox
yeah bring on the size 10s!! :) .. defo wanna be a 12 by my hols - july 8th .. its big ask so will need to up my exercise hence me buying a trampette :)