Sofartogo but taking it day by day...

Thursday 9th Feb

B - 98 cals
oats so simple, milk

L - 324 cals
Pasta and four cheese sauce

D - 547 cals
Pesto pasta

Snacks - 257 cals
3 mikados
Few Chocolate pillows

Water - 1l
Exercise - none
Total calories - 1226
Friday 10th Feb

B - 98 cals
oats so simple, milk

L - 324 cals
Pasta and four cheese sauce

D - 440 cals
Egg fried rice
2 quorn sausages
Spring onions

Snacks - 341 cals
2 Bananas
Chocolate options

Water - 1l
Exercise - none
Total calories - 1203
Mrs.S. said:
Ooh hadn't noticed that but will have a nose!

There's a thread in OT that a few people that are doing it are updating on.

Did you do it last year then? Did you complete it? And have you kept it up? xx

I did. Could run 5k in 39 mins (impressive for me)!! Had a few problems with one of my horses last may (still do) and couldn't carry on but starting to run again this week. Will let you know how I go! I loved it tho!! The sense of achievement after each run! :)
Well done on doing your run today hun!

You may have noticed I've not put my cals on my Mini diary ... gets too complicated with some of my Mini friends! :rolleyes:

How are you doing? What do you think of my MFP diary? Do you think I'll see a loss this week? OMG I hope so! So far though the scales are not being my friend :( After gaining for 2 consecutive week they are showing another small gain! Grrrr! :mad: Hopefully that will change before I WI on Thursday :confused:
I am thinking you'll def see a result this week! And if not then def next! Your food looks good. I think it's a great way of shaking up ur metabolism. I was getting really fed up of seeing a sts every week. It gets a bit depressing. Also think the MFP is good for controlling portion sizes. I would have ha a mountain of rice with my dinner if still on SW but I had enough after weighing.

Loved my run today - actually can't wait til the next one! :)
Ali* said:
Well done on doing your run today hun!

You may have noticed I've not put my cals on my Mini diary ... gets too complicated with some of my Mini friends! :rolleyes:

How are you doing? What do you think of my MFP diary? Do you think I'll see a loss this week? OMG I hope so! So far though the scales are not being my friend :( After gaining for 2 consecutive week they are showing another small gain! Grrrr! :mad: Hopefully that will change before I WI on Thursday :confused:

And step away from those scale!! ;)
Saturday 11th Feb

B - 98 cals
oats so simple, milk

L - 312 cals
Slim a soup
4 pagen krisprolls
2 laughing cow light triangles

D - 451 cals
Quorn chicken pieces
1/2 weightwatchers sweet n sour sauce

Snacks - 318 cals
Squares crisps
Blue ribbond
Chocolate options
2 clementines
1 mikado

Water - 1l
Exercise - none
Total calories - 1179
Sunday 12th Feb

B - 426 cals
2 wholemeal bread
2 boiled eggs

L - 312 cals
Slim a soup
4 pagen krisprolls
2 laughing cow light triangles

D - 451 cals
Quorn chicken pieces
1/2 weightwatchers sweet n sour sauce

Snacks - 297 cals
Mini cheddars
Weight watchers cheese puffs

Water - 1l
Exercise - 30 minutes run
Total calories - 1472
Last edited:
Kia-Ora said:
Looking good!!!! Consistently at the 1200's, perfect! Can't wait to see how u do this week.

I've had quite a heavy weekend with meals out & visitors etc but will have a few angelic days. Didn't get to do my DVD today & feel like a blob! X

I have my fingers crossed for a loss. Won't know what to do with myself if I get a loss 2 weeks running!! Planning a big week exercise wise this week as I'm on half term so have a bit more time. Hoping that won't affect my loss too much.

Sometimes it's such a pain having a social life. I'm lucky in that I haven't got much of one at the moment!! ;)
Monday 13th Feb

B - 378 cals
2 wholemeal bread
Qourn sausages
Tomato sauce

L - 485 cals
Tuna mayo sandwich
Cubes of cheese

D - 412 cals
Broccoli and Stilton soup
Bread Roll

Snacks - 224 cals
Mini cheddars

Water - 2l
Exercise - 60 minutes zumba
Total calories - 1499
Tuesday 14th Feb

B - 129 cals
Benefit cereal
Skimmed milk

L - 373 cals
fishermans pie
Bread roll

D - 688 cals
Creamy mushroom pasta
1/2 Bread Roll

Snacks - 202 cals
Costa light :)

Water - 1l
Green tea - 3
Exercise - 30 minutes running
Total calories - 1392

Sneaky peak at scales is showing a midweek loss of 1lb. :)
Fab sneaky peek hun! Keep up the good work!

My sneaky peeks weren't very kind to me up until yesterday - official WI is tomorrow and it looks like I'm going to have at least 1.25 off :fingerscrossed: I'd love a bit more though as I have been soooooo gooooood!!!!! :D
Ali* said:
Fab sneaky peek hun! Keep up the good work!

My sneaky peeks weren't very kind to me up until yesterday - official WI is tomorrow and it looks like I'm going to have at least 1.25 off :fingerscrossed: I'd love a bit more though as I have been soooooo gooooood!!!!! :D

I'll cross my fingers for 2!!! X

Kia-Ora said:
That's great hun!!!! Hope it stays til sat! X

Me too!!! Will be amazed if I get a loss 2 weeks running!! :)
Wednesday 15th Feb

B - 378 cals
2 poached eggs

L - 441 cals
Cheesy pasta
(estimated as wa in a restaurant)

D - 312 cals
4 pagen krisprolls
Dairylea triangles
Slim a soup

Snacks - 65 cals
1/2 packet of mini cheddars

Water - 1l
Green tea - 3
Exercise - none
Total calories - 1196
Thursday 16th Feb

B - 98 cals
oats so simple, milk

L - 408 cals
Slim a soup
2 wm bread
2 dairylea light triangles

D - 703 cals
Cauliflower cheese grill
Actifried chips in rapeseed oil

Snacks - 180 cals
WW cheesy puffs

Water - 1l
Green tea - 3 cups
Exercise - 30 mins run
Total calories - 1389
Ali* said:
Hi hun - is tomorrow your WI day? Just popping in to wish you luck! :cross:

Thank u!! My midweek sneaky peak has disappeared! :(
We'll see if it comes back tomorrow! X