Sona's Diary- you may not like this...

Hey ppl!!

On a late shift today! bugger it!
have come armed with all the right food... plus one bad bottle of coke zero! I promise not to drink it all at once and pace it through the day... not that it makes any diff right? lol

B- 2 eggs and a kebab
S- olives
L chicken and kebab
S- cheese strings
D- Cauliflower n cheese (the last bit!)

Drinks - sugar free red bull, peppermint tea, zoke zero and water.
Laura they have a sugar free red bull? I used to drink red bull when I was in univetsity and needed to stay up and study, it did the job... I need to take a look at the sugar free red bull
Now that's what I call a chemical combine. :)
wow laura after reading whats in it no thanks.. sounds like a bad chemical experiment and wow look at all those acids can't be good for the tummy
Thank god I stuck to water. :)
Hey guys!!
thanks for the heads up!! im affraid i need the red bull sometimes on my late shifts at work! I try not to make a habbit of them! Coke zero however i have not had much of this the past month. Had one last week and im guilty of having one right now! TOM is due soon i think thats messing with my sweet cravings!

Last few days have been a bit bland for me! just been scraping anything i can find together for food making it as atkins friendly as i can! Cooked a full on quich yesterday.. was cooking to 9.30 pm!! 12 eggs 1 big serving dish and one smaller one! 6 large portions or 12 smaller portions. Havent decided if im gona use as brekki or lunches yet. Need to get some of the cauliflower and cheese made later in the week.. that went down well last week.

havent touched the scales.. im a bit off the scales at the moment.. too much fluctuation! Possibly due to TOM being round the corner (should have been today!)

B- small portion of quich
S- baby bell
L- chicken and kebab (wasnt in the mood for it tho didnt finish)
D- Salad with chicken n muchrooms

D-water, coke zero, peppermint tea
Sona - dont you hate totm? im wanting to eat and eat and eat but im at work and cant just reach in the fridge for a piece of ham or something!
im the opposit.. today i have a sugar craving but i dont feel like eating!
tomorow i may be reallly hungry!! The stupid thing with Me n TOM at the moment is that its always later! has been the last few months so i get in panic thinking im preg! I shouldnt be tho! lolz

Had a question to the flax seed users. I finally got some from hollana and barrents.. sprinkled it over my lunch and well... kinda reacted straight away.... sorry if this is disgusting.. but is it supposed to do that? .. u know... "bowl movement" eeww sorry!
Your bowl moved? Wow that's magic flax lol!
:D my boss wants to know why im sitting giggling my head off LOLS

I was going to try a muffin tonight. might waittill the weekend if thats what Flaxseed does to you!
Sona, I had a somewhat the same experience, on the packet it says up to 2 tablespoons a day, don't go there, don't go anywhere close. 1 teaspoonful a day is enough for me. LOL
i sprinkled a little over my lunch, it was from a table spoon but i didnt use the whole alont. My food was warmed up and i actualy forgot it was there!

So ur saying tea spoon? might stick to having it in the evening at home from now on! lolz

my bowl finally moved.. it was an experiance now that u asked!! hahahahah
LOL, yes I bet, i recall it well. LMAO :D
Well strangly enough i had it last night with my cauli mash and nothing at all.. hmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe it was the combo of fax and peppermint tea and the seens tablets i had the day before? nevermind!! what a horrible topic to start the day with!

How's everyone doing??? im feeling really good today! had a good nights sleep! no baby waking! yey Did my hair all nice for work, didnt slip on the ice in the car park and have an easy morning!

Back on track with food today! my appetite seems to be back with a vengance but i have no idea where TOM has gone.. AGAIN! uugghh.

will be back later!
Morning... hope your day continues to go well. x
Hello - Im looking forward to a full nights sleep in the near future, Im hopeful my youngest will sleep through some day soon:mad: glad you are having a good day!
Well i checked with a few older mums and they confirmed that as soon as he has all of his teeth he will start to sleep better!! aagghhh how long does that take?! he's in the process of sprouting back teeth and they are painfull!!

My lil boy actually tells me when his teeth hurt now... same as when he hurts his arm or knee he points and says it hurts.. now he puts his finger in his mouth and says it hurts.. bless him! He LOVES bonjella.. think he's learned the magic behind it! But he also gets growing pains aswell.. i noticed quite early on that when he has a growth spurt he tends to cry more and stops eating propperly. used to really stress me out but i just kinda follow his lead now.. he eats when he's hungry and has in the past (touch wood) never rejected a milk feed if nothing else.

Good luck to us all!! kids aint easy!! and here's us discussing another one!! (next year that is after ive achieved size zero.. lol i wish!
Hey guys!

Hope your all good! I managed to get a shift swap today so on an early shift! I hate working lates! I also managed to get a hospital appointment for my root extraction!! im really happy about this.. i know ur thinking what a weirdo happy about going to the dentist! but ive been through alot of troubel with this! i got an appointment quickly due to a cancellation!

Last night i made 1 MIM and is was sooooooo lovelly and VERY filling!!
i couldnt even eat my dinner... till much later!

So i made 4 more.. just made a bigger batch then put them in small dessert bowls and 1 min 40 seconds in the microwave each! No need to even bake! I was really impressed with them and still cant believe they are legal.