Sonia's diary

Hiya D_Q Sunday is going fine so far thanks. Ethan stayed at my mums last night so I thought wahoo I will actually get a lie in but no Ellie took his place and woke me up at 6.00.:rolleyes: I got Ethan back now with balloons so the kids are happily throwing balloons round the living room as we speak till they get popped that is. I have got to go out with my mum later delivering leaflets as she starts her new SW group in a few weeks so needs to start advertising for it. So fingers crossed it does not rain on us. Anyway enough of my waffling how is your Sunday going.:D
Good luck with the leafleting. My Sunday is going ok - apart from the early start!! :p Just waiting for the shopping to arrive and general household stuff! :)
Hiya all well been for weigh in and put on 1.5Lbs this week. But it was expected as I am due on and my tummy is like a never ending pit. I just cant stop eating.:( Oh well fingers crossed for next week but on a positive note I did get slimmer of the month:D
Hi Son

I have put on a couple of pounds too, had my head in the cupboards all week, i think its the cold weather, ive gone off salads and fruit and want stodge!! So you are not alone!!

Well done on getting slimmer of the month mate!!! Cant believe how much weight you have lost!!!X
:hug99: Definitely difficult when the weather turns colder not to want to warm up from the inside :( Keep on trucking babes ;)
Well its weigh in later and fingers crossed I have lost some. I hope so because I am still on a blinkin period and its doing my head in now.:mad:
well done on the 2lb loss sonia :D and good luck with another 2lb this week. U CAN DO IT!!!
Oh what a day and its only one o'clock. The kids are on the rampage. I was tidying up and I thought right where is Ellie and keira my 2 and 3 year olds. Anyway I went investigating as I had not seen them for a few mins and they were sat on the kitchen floor with my anti-depressants :eek: they had used the washing machine to climb up onto the top. The floor nearly swollowed me up anyway luckly I found them all. Anyway anti-depressants put safely away kids back in the living room and cbeebies is now on for them. Back to tidying up and Keira said to Ellie can I do your hair so Ellie said mummy can you take my bobbles out so I did. Ellie waddles back over the Keira and Keira starts brushing her hair so I carried on tidying. A few mins later I turned round to check on them and Keira is sat there with a pair of scizzors trying to cut Ellies hair :eek:. The little rascals dont ask me how they got the scizzors. So for now tidying up is on hold till they are in bed tonight. Kids ehh:rolleyes: but I love them.
they sound like very resourceful kids :D recently my friends little girl managed to climb up on the sink, onto the bathoom sill and into the highest cabinet. my friend found her within minutes sitting in the sink playing with razor refills and cutting herself. even with eyes in the back of ur head, they'd still cause all hell and weaken our poor hearts lol
Hi all, What a day Ethan my 5 year old boy has just totally embarrassed me. We were just walking through the local shops and 2 ladies walked passed with them things on there heads that just show there eyes. Anyway he took one look at them (and he has hearing problems so tends to shout very loud all the time) and said woowwwww look at them ninjas then proceeded to do a flying ninja kick right at them.:eek: I have never felt so embarrassed in all my life. Even though it is really funny now. Kids what are they like.:D