Spelling - It's lose not loose!

The other thing is this, if people are not corrected, do they ever learn?

You can tell a Dyslexic how to spell something a hundred times and they will still get it wrong.
There is a van in a nearby town which has Tidy Garden's on the side.

The Tidy Garden's what?

It does make me smile though.
You can tell a Dyslexic how to spell something a hundred times and they will still get it wrong.

Thats very true but Id say 9/10 people who spell wrongly on places like Minimins are just either bad spellers or lazy.

Noone is trying to undermine how difficult dyslexia is for people
I'm noticing more and more in professional publications like magazines and newspapers, that there are numerous spelling and grammar mistakes - not even on common mistakes to make. Whatever happened to proof readers?!
I would just like to state that the thread wasn't started at a dig to anyone with learning difficulties, merely commenting on a common spelling mistake.
Personally, as long as the person's writing is easily understood, gets their point across, and isn't written in one long paragraph, I could care less whether their spelling is perfect.

I don't think I have any right to go round commenting on other people's spelling or grammar and I would be pretty upset if they commented on mine. Mistakes happen, and the use of language is a wide pool of variability.
I have to leave the room when people talk about themselves in the 3rd person - it doesn't make you look quirky or interesting!!!!
Oooooooh dear. It is a mistake to start a thread like this...

I am the world's most pedantic pedant when it comes to spelling and punctuation. (And yes, I confidently expect to be stalked, and to have any of my own howlers shouted from the rooftops! They happen to all of us; sometimes my fingers just can't spell words that my mind knows perfectly well, and if I just press the button too quickly, there may be the odd disaster!)

But I do read an awful lot of these posts with my virtual highlighter pen at the ready. I am aware, though, that some people really don't know, and some people do struggle with words for reasons such as dyslexia - so I try not to judge.

But I do spend an awful lot of my time wishing people could write properly!
Thats very true but Id say 9/10 people who spell wrongly on places like Minimins are just either bad spellers or lazy.

Noone is trying to undermine how difficult dyslexia is for people

I'm sorry i dont agree with 9/10 , i have had to fight to have my two boys diagnosed and have been told i was not doing enough for them at home!. I also have a daughter who is well above target in every subject. My husband grew up with people telling him he was stupid. There are many people who havn't yet and probably never will be diagnosed because of a lack of understanding. I do agree that there are some lazy people however people should not judge others unless they know the true facts. I hope people understand that this is a subject i feel strongly about i'm not out to insult anyone.:D
Sorry, just one of those things that niggles me!

An easy way to remember: We lose weight which makes our clothes loose.

That is a very helpful reminder as lose is easily confused with loose and I use to get confused myself between the two when I first started posting on forums...don't think I do it now:confused:

I love correct spelling myself but I have always found it difficult as sometimes my mind just goes blank and I can't even think of the first letter or two so I cannot even look up the word to find out how to spell it...this does not happen too often thankfully...but when it does it is like being paralyzed verbally...in order to get around this I have to think of all the words relating to the word I want to say and then Google search those until I see the word I want...somehow I can recognize it when I see it no problem...just can't think of the letter or letters it starts with...one part of my brain knows it well but I can't access the information.

People who have no difficulty with spelling never have to think of the word they are spelling as it is an automatic function of the brain once they learn how to spell.

I have asked this question time and again of those who are good at spelling and it is always the same answer they just don't have to think about it...their spelling just flows.

Whereas with myself my brain does not work like that...I have to think about some words...I have a long list of ones that cause me problems and I have to check 99% of my post I do on here with my spell checker before posting...even then I don't always get it right as sometimes when I re-read a post I can see words that the spell checker has given me by mistake and it was not want I wanted and has slipped through or I have misspelt.

But I do find the spell checker is a great improvement on the collection of dictionaries I use to have on my desk and of course Google comes in handy as I use the online dictionaries all the time.

I love words and I love writing and I have never let my bad spelling get in my way...unfortunately I have passed it on to my son as well and I can only conclude from this that it is somehow genetic as one of my sisters had it as well.

This long post is to reassure those who post here and who are not great spellers like myself to not let it stop you posting or hold you back in life as there are ways around it.

Also, this post is not to take away from those who are gifted in the ability to spell correctly at all times as I very much wish I were one of you as it would of helped me greatly down the years and made my life a lot easier.

It is in the MiniMins' rules that text speak is not allowed on the forums as it is annoying and very difficult to read and don't see a need for it.
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I'm noticing more and more in professional publications like magazines and newspapers, that there are numerous spelling and grammar mistakes - not even on common mistakes to make. Whatever happened to proof readers?!
Current proof-readers are those who got an A Level English pass in the past couple of decades. You know if you get the date and your name correct on the paper it is a pass? ;)

On a more serious note, dyslexic people are not stupid/thick or slow. Dyslexia in in effect "word blindness" - The great Jackie Stewart, (racing driver) once said if he was on millionaire and had to recite the alphabet for £1m he'd have to pass.

I have no figures or statistics, but I never see people using their spell-check on work computers and cannot recall the last time I saw someone look up the spelling of a word in a dictionary!

To be honest, I sincerely believe part of the reason for not checking is that nobody really cares anymore, apart from the odd pedant on a message board lol.

Just look at any governemnt literature, booklet, pamphlet etc. there will often be an error or two.

My cousin's answer to this was you don't need to be able to spell to be loved. I think she got it about right.

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Ok ok so maybe not 9/10 but Id say a hell of a lot more people on here are lazy/text speakers/bad spellers than are dyslexic. As Jenny said this wasnt started as a dig at people with dyslexia and thats not who is being discussed but people who just dont care enough to try and do things properly.

My ex is dyslexic so Im more than aware of the problems people suffer with it. Even now some of his emails/facebook updates have me looking twice to see what hes saying

The thing that strikes me as strange at times on Minimins is people who dont spell their diet correctly... 'Im starting Xante' 'I got Zenical from the doctor'
or the other frequent one on VLCD 'Keytosis'
Sorry, just one of those things that niggles me!

An easy way to remember: We lose weight which makes our clothes loose.

Haha I often notice people spell it wrong. It makes me giggle when i read all my sw buddies statuse's on facebook and they always say something along the lines of......

I want to loose this week lol!
But as long as I can understand what they mean it's fine. I can't stand that horrible text talking lol!
Current proof-readers are those who got an A Level English pass in the past couple of decades. You know if you get the date and your name correct on the paper it is a pass? ;)

Actually, Steve, I think you only need one or the other, not both.
Both would get you into the higher grades.