Spooky's Mum........Friday and it's looking good.

Sending Nicky lots of love and hugs xxx
Hello All

Firstly thank you all for your good wishes.
Unfortunately my Mother is seriously ill and is unlikely to survive.
Mum has COPD and heart faliure, the reason for this admission to hospital is a chest infection.
Mum was taken to the HDU this morning at about 9.30 am and put on a BiPap machine. her oxygen saturations are very low and not improving despite the machine levels being raised to more than they should be for a patient in her condition.
I was asked this evening about removing the BiPap and Mum receiving oxygen through an ordinary mask. This decision I was not prepared to take without my stepfather so for the moment she is still on the machine.
I will be returning to the hospital at about 10 in the morning, with my stepfather and my brother and sister. At that point he will probably authorise the removal of the BiPap and then its a matter of time.
Barring something happening overnight, I don't know when i will be posting again.
Thanks all for your good wishes once again
Nicky X
I went through this with my brother last year so I have a small idea what you are going through at the moment.

I am so very sorry and send you all my very best wishes and hugs.

You have so many friends and well wishers here that I hope it brings some comfort to know how much we care and are thinking about you.
Oh Nicky I am at a loss for words as they is nothing I can say that will help but just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

So very sad to hear your news, ((HUGS))
Such sad news Nikki,

I cannot even imagine what you must be going through..... your in my prayers at this very sad time.

Nas x
thinking of you and your family

Nicky i'm so sorry i missed this earlier lots of love and thoughts and prayers being sent you and your mothers way big hugs hun xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone.

I have just got home from the hospital. I went there at 10 am.

The nurse caring for her is a wonderful man and he told me the truth, He says that he didn't expect her to make it through the night so theres some fight in her!

Mum was more 'with it' today although she is confused. She was telling us all she loves us and recognised and named us all and named her grandchildren. She was certainly more wakeful.

Its still touch and go though really. The nurses took her off the BiPap machine and Mum managed an hour on a regular oxygen mask.

Oh and shes winking at the male nurses and the doctor!!