Spotty's Road to Slimdom

Hi guys - still no whooshy fairy I'm afraid. In fact, did a wee stick this morning and there was absolutely no change. So that's that.

Also weighed myself and I am 12st 12lbs again - could it be that Atkins just isn't going to work for me this time? Feels like it.

I am going to log the last couple of days food into MFP, and will put the link in my signature. I'd really appreciate any guidance if there is anything I appear to be doing wrong - I can't see it at the moment :(

Feeling quite emotional this morning, heard a song that my OH wrote about his ex. It's not a love song as such - more of a retrospective track about him remembering the good times because she was absolutely evil to him. It is really hard listening to his "voice" talking about another girl - even though my rational head tells me why he's doing it - my heart just can't cope with the lyrics. So, all in all I am definitely feeling a bit teenage today - all geared up to sulk for Great Britain. Lol.

Need a slap around the face I think. I am so happy in my relationship, but can't help getting hung up on this kind of stuff. In the song he calls her the same thing he calls me, and talks about when they first told each other they loved each other, made love etc... I guess I'm not the 'together' grown up woman I like to sometimes think. Want to scratch her eyes out!

So, that sums up my frame of mind this morning.

Misery loves company - come on in! :) xx
Morning Anna, I suppose that's the problem of living with a singer/songwriter really They take inspiration from life don't they love
Yeah - it is a really beautiful way to be, mostly. :( In such a weepy mood. Got to hold it together while I'm at work. All I want to do it go and eat a doughnut.

Have put my food diary link in my signature now BTW, if anyone can help me.

Thanks all.
Morning SD, one thing sticks out, where's your greens? It's very protein rich but can you add cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower? You're supposed to get a good percentage of your carbs from green leafy veg each day.
Hey - I figure the less carbs I eat the better, but I do eat veg every evening. Yesterday I had a big plate of white cabbage with my bolognese sauce... and the night before I had spinach, cauli, courgette and mushies...

Tonight I am having spinach and steak.

Had some lettucy leaves with some sliced ham and mayo for lunch.

Really not sure where I am going so drastically wrong :(

Thanks for trying to help... :)

SD xx
Oops did I miss them on MFP? Hmm well in that case it looks like you're doing everything by the book. Perhaps the recognised stallers like cream, cheese and Atkins products? It's so hard if you can't have the convenience foods when you're working though isn't it?
Personally I think I've shot my metabolism doing VLCDs lol.
I think perhaps you might see better results increasing fat intake (and in turn lowering protein).. Although dr atkins kept it open ended and didn't advise on protein to fat ratio, I've been reading up and lots advise that the calories in a low carb (macro-nutrient) breakdown should look something like - 5% carbs, 65% fat and 30% protein - excess protein can convert to glucose in your body. Not sure what your macro-nutrient breakdown is but it looks like you may want to increase fat intake..

you might find tips over at everything about keto helpful
Some good info there MM, just had a read on the link and will give the fat increase and protein decrease a go to see if it helps. Hope you're ok SD, I'm in the same boat with gain/stall. Chin up chick xx
Morning Doris... Hope today is good! :)
Hi guys,

Yeah - thanks mightymonocle for that weblink- will have a good read through :) Looks very interesting.

Did a weestick last night and it looks like I am back in ketosis now - so managed to 'manage' my blip quite well. Yey!

Had some scrambled eggs and smoked salmon AGAIN this morning - really need to do something different tomorrow before I lose my love for the fishy stuff. Lol.

Feeling much brighter today - had a long chat with OH last night and all self pity has dispersed. Last night I just couldn't get my sh*t together at all - just cried and cried. About my weight. My money. My job. His song. My back. You name it, I felt sorry about it.

I really think I needed that blow out though - it's been one thing after another recently, albeit it fairly minor things on the whole - and I just had to get it out.

So - now that my pressure release has burst, I am back to little miss calm and collected - and onwards and downwards with the diet I go!

Drinking a creamy cup of tea (nom nom, actually not too bad - don't want creamy coffee to become boring, it's my treat!) and got a diet cherry coke (fingers crossed the citric acid doesn't hoof me in the backside) to sip at my desk.

Today should be a better day.

Mwah mwah *air kiss* dahhhhling. Have a super day :)

SD xx
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Sometimes you need to blow that release valve then out things into perspective. I married a man with 2 small kids in residence so was faced with his past on a daily basis and I totally agree sometimes it was impossible to be mature and gracious about the situation. Big hugs xx
big Big hugs lovely xxx I was like that on atkins first time around, just sticking...have you tried upping your carbs? (i cant look on fitness pal it asks for a code) i found i was losing better on owl.

I myself am having a diet week off a blow out of everything i fancy and probably more cos its birthday and im allowed, but sometimes it does you good (do not quote me on this lol)

Im so sorry about your ex and the songs, it must be so so hard. i feel the same about my blokes ex wife - she was and still is an evil witch, but ill never get away from the fact they had 3 kids together and will always be there in our lives. we just have to hold our heads up, be brave and scream on here or to our friends. TBH i would have gone off it saying i dont want to listen i dont want to know about HER. so my valuable advice on holding your head up has just been thrown out of the window xxxx
Hi Vicky,

The code for MFP diary is 4826 :)

It could be something as simple as upping carbs. I am going to cut out tomatos and try and have mostly salad greens rather than veg for a bit... see if that helps. I have tried to cut out the atkins bars etc, but I have SUCH a sweet tooth and I sit opposite the tuck box at work, so it's that or something far worse I fear!

Now I am back in ketosis I will keep an eye on the scale and keep on with the food diary so I can see if I need to tweak anything.

As for OH's b*tch of an ex girlfriend - I have just decided to keep my head held high. Me getting all in a tizz isn't going to help anyone - least of all me and OH... so what's the point? That being said, it doesn't make it any easier to hear so OH has said he will burn me a special copy of the album without it on, so I can listen without having to be poised to press 'skip' on track 6, lol. He has also promised that after this album, he will put the song into the archives and not release it again, push it etc. So, I've basically got 6-12 months of trickiness while the album gets pushed and played constantly, then hopefully she (and those effing lyrics) can go in the bin - metaphorically speaking.


Ok - just had lunch, so off to update my MFP before I have to get back to the grindstone.

Very excited cos in just over 4 hours me and beau are off to see the house we are moving into in November... we are already all signed up for it, but I want to go in and have a look around, take some measurements etc - can't wait! :) Good times ahead x x
i think maybe cut out the atkins bars and make some sugar free jelly?? try and up the carbs - most of your 20g should come from green veggies anyway not bars and stuff.
good news on the song love - and nice of him to do an album just for you. What type of music is it if you dont mind me asking? anyone we know??? justin timberlake perhaps???

oh brill on the house - very exciting :D
Yeah, I will try and do that... I started off eating SF jelly like it was going out of fashion, but just went off the boil a bit with it. Got a big tub made up at home, but it's a bit wibbly wobbly to transport to work!! Lol. Buying those little jellys are good, but not very big - I prefer a big old cereal bowl full - covered in squirty cream! Will get back on it I think. A treat for the evenings.

Thanks for taking a peek :) xx
sooo justin timberlake it is :D wooooo ;)

you could always make choc mims aswell x
Hehe, nope - not JT I'm afraid. Hehe. He's a hip hop artist/rapper :)
SD xx

(P.S. Only made one mim - it worked 'consistency wise', but tasted gross. Not a fan of the flaxseed flavour. I put cocoa in, but it certainly wasn't chocolatey! Have you got a failproof recipe? I'd imagine you'd need heaps of splenda to make it 'cakey') x