SS+ Meal Ideas

Ha ha, if you jeopardise my weight loss I will hunt you down!!
(Just to clarify that was a joke, my jokes don't always translate well in the written word.....).
Keep those little tips coming, to scaredy cat newbies like me its essential information x

Ha ha!! I'm going to remove my photos, just in case! :p

Seriously, I didn't let a morsel of anything pass my lips last time that I shouldn't eat. This time, I am loving Cambridge as it's more flexible for me. I have had wine and some extra protein the past few weeks, but have still avoided the carbs and still lost weight. Just be careful, but make the plan work for you.

Stay in control and make sensible choices, and you'll be good.

(off to pray now that I've not ruined your weight loss for next week....)

Oh, and just one final thought - guilt is the worst thing ever - I know it makes me think, 'what the heck, I've ruined it now, I might was well eat the fridge!' Make conscious decisions and don't feel guilty about whatever you decide. :cool:
It's ok, don't worry I am perfectly capable of sabotaging my own weight loss.
Not this time though :) xx
Excellent advice, Poppysparkle, make conscious decisions and don't feel guilty about what you decide. It's amazing how much "willpower" you suddenly find by incorporating this philosophy into your life! Taking responsibility and owning your choices is key! :)

I've come to realise this. I often read about people saying they can't stop picking and asking for help - well, I often think, you are deciding to pick. Only you is putting hand to mouth. If you want it, eat it, if you want to lose weight, don't! LOL! I'm not so mean to actually post this response though. :p But I think that people do need to recognise that they are adult, they make the choices themselves. If that hand reaches for the food, and puts it in the mouth, a decision has been made. Recognise it, own it and deal with it is my philosophy. Whatever you decide. I think when you feel out of control the downfall is not far away. But you are not out of control - your hand, your mouth, your mind....

Hope that doesn't sound unfeeling!! I sometimes can't realise this philosophy for long periods, but it still holds true ;)