stalled - must be the cream?


Booooo, :sigh: just coming up to the end of week 2 on induction and last night felt a bit bloated. This morning couldnt resist getting on the scales and have stayed the same since last Tuesday.
I've been checking through what I've been eating and come to the conclusion that it must be the sf jelly and single cream. :cry:I sooooo enjoyed it but alas no more.

I was having Sf jelly and double cream every night last week until I read that it's better to just have it 2-3 times a week.
Can you have double cream?
It could either be the sf jelly or the cream. Personally i recommend giving up the sf stuff first - better to keep the cream and use as part of your delicious yummy meals:)
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Good thinking Batman, :D will try that.

I'm making the transition to decaff a bit at a time, I've mixed up 1/3 normal coffee with 2/3 decaff and each time I have a coffee, only in the mornings, I add decaff into the tin so I'm already on decaff probably but my brain thinks I'm still on LavAzza. !:p
Booooo, :sigh: just coming up to the end of week 2 on induction and last night felt a bit bloated. This morning couldnt resist getting on the scales and have stayed the same since last Tuesday.
I've been checking through what I've been eating and come to the conclusion that it must be the sf jelly and single cream. :cry:I sooooo enjoyed it but alas no more.


I too suffered the same set back in my first two weeks of induction and only just lost nearly 2Ibs and was tempted to go back to CD but decided in the end to persevere with Atkins and give it another two weeks without touching the sf jellies as quite a few here have said it'd stalled them. I'll probably try it when I start OWL but will give it a miss during induction.