Starlights Diet Diary - Last diary entry from me

((((((hugs)))))) i understand sandy, when me and A split i changed my username as he knew what my old one was on here etc. not that i think he'd ever look but you never know!

sounds like ye had a lovely lunch out yesterday, god im drooling at the thoughts of chips now though!! !!!

luv becky xx
Oh sandy i so know what you mean about eating out , i can be good but everyone elses always looks more exciting-not fair is it, guess it will pay off in the long run tho
Aww, I'm sorry you had to move your diary - but I'm glad you restarted this one so we can at least still see how you're getting on. Good timing for me too, because now I'm back I can try and keep up with this one (I was soooo behind with the last one, it was just beyond catching up with, haha).

It's scary the sorts of things people can find out about people on the internet - I'm actually quite careful about what I say on here, because I know just anyone can read it, but I even went as far as to delete all my private pics and details off Facebook a couple of weeks ago...just basic info even on there now...the internet can be a scary place!

Will be keeping an eye on this new diary though, and I promise (I am doing a kind of 'Scouts Honour' pose as I post this...." I will keep up to date with this diary! You're just too bloody popular - everyone posts in your diary and it takes forever to catch up on if I miss a week or two, haha.

I hope you're well though - feels like AGES since I 'spoke' to you!

X x

Good to see you back madam and youll still be able to read the old diary when it comes out of hiding ;)
God Sandy - am so sorry to hear that!!! how crappy!!. awwww wont be able to pop in and see how your doing now... long time before I've enough posts you know, I'm crap at posting but DO pop in regulary to see how yourself and Ms. Marie are doing...

I hope your ok pet xx

Thats why Ive always shied away from moving my diary but needs must. Im going to keep this one going too though, it'll just have much more basic information so you can still keep tabs on me ;)
Glad to hear your well on the road sandy - your doing fabulously!! xxx

Thanks Saraian, nice to see you back ;)

((((((hugs)))))) i understand sandy, when me and A split i changed my username as he knew what my old one was on here etc. not that i think he'd ever look but you never know!

sounds like ye had a lovely lunch out yesterday, god im drooling at the thoughts of chips now though!! !!!

luv becky xx

Always better safe thn sorry x
Oh sandy i so know what you mean about eating out , i can be good but everyone elses always looks more exciting-not fair is it, guess it will pay off in the long run tho

I have to admit I was so hacked off when the food came and mine looked so bland and boring but it was lovely and albeit something else would have been lovelier ;) the few moments that I enjoyed it would have been far outweighed by the regret when I had to add the points to my tracker lol

Proof I am indeed back in the zone and my click is back :party0049:
I would totally pick a prawn sandwich over a burger i think.. burgers are usually such a let down when you go out.. at least thats what i try to tell myself.. lol!!
x x
Glad you've got your click again. Sorry you've had to move your diary Hope your mum is keeping well and managing some sort of normality.
Hi Sandy

That must have been really worrying for you and I hope that the site is reviewing things re security but i suppose its very difficult to do. I will miss your updates re your picnics and family but hopefully when you feel secure you will move it to the members area.

Its also good to see you able to go back to work as that was a worrying time for you. However most of all its s o delightful to see you regain your starry click. I'm looking forward to seeing you slip on downwards towards your goal which will come round in no time.

Take care

Glad the click is back honey! Work does do wonders for the diet! Its the only part of being back that I enjoy! lol!