Started LT Today

Come on Deborah....we need a bit of positive thinking from you sweetheart! No-one said that it was going to be easy but nothing worth having ever is.......

Imagine yourself on weigh-in day having stuck with the diet and, in all likelihood, having lost half a stone! I promise you that will give you the incentive to carry on.....then imagine yourself the week after.....

A day at a time that's all you need to can do it, you know you can!

And try the shakes with coffee, peppermint tea and loads of ice, they're really not that bad once you get used to them. X
i am on day 3 now and shakes are making me feel sick have had all the flavours and not keen on any does it get better

It does hun.. You may need to play around with your shakes a little to find a way that makes them more appetising for you.. I am sure there are some recipes thread on the forum...
It does get easier, and the weigh in is not too far away.. One day at a time hun.. You can do it x x x