Starting LL in May

I went to my weigh in last night & lost 3.7 pounds my total is just short of 2 stone but near enough too call it 2 stone.Im pleased with the results so far, it keeps you going.
Good luck this week everyone.
Well done Eileen. It' definitely 2 stones off (pretend your shoes were on) and that's great. At this rate we'll reach the 3 stone long before 12 weeks! (Hope I'm not jumping the gun here!)
I lost 5 lbs tonight which was a great relief after last week's 1. So that's 2 stone 6lbs off now which I'm thrilled with.
Why oh why didn't I find this diet earlier!

Thanks for all your motivational comments, yes I really feel in control now of this diet and my eating habits, and in a weird way this blib has helped me focus again. Trish, you also did well there, just imagine what your old self might have done on an occasion like that, and well done everyone on your weightlosses:party0049::party0049:.
I had my meeting last night and lost a staggering 6lbs:p:p!. I just couldn't believe it. My total is now 2stone 8lbs, and my crooked thinking was working overtime last night "this weightloss won't go on forever...probably won't lose anything next week!, but I told my Counselor and she helped me identify these thoughts for what they are, so onwards and upwards now.

So how are we doing for our group weigh in? If I counted correctly so far we are 14.7 lbs lighter:clap: just between the 3 of us, when are all the others having their weigh in?
Have a great week everyone!!
Weigh In

Hi ya Girlies ...

This weeks weigh in wasnt as bad as I thought 2.6lbs, a slow week for me, but everyone in my group has a slow week so didnt feel as dissapointed.

That is just 1lb off 2 stone in six weeks ... however I go on holiday on Saturday - and am just glad there are 5 weeks left on the programme when I get back !!

Am totally chuffed that I have gone from a good size 16 to a very happy size 12, going into clothes shops and fitting in the sizes is a real bonus.

Glad to see that the May girls are doing well.
Well done Julia

Hi Julia,
So well done! 6lbs is just fab - even better than my 5. And every little helps as they say.

I agree with you that we've all come a long way with our attitude to food and though there's a long way to go (for me anyway) I do feel more in control at the moment.

Wow! Over a stone off between the 3 of us - that's amazing isn't it?

Where are all the other May starters for the group weigh in????:scale::scale::scale:
That's a great boon for you Summer isn't it? Into a 12 after only 6 weeks - eh? Bet you'll look so good on holiday.....
Got my wiegh in tonight, not sure how I've done, I've had a hard time having the packs although last night I did have an amazingly yummy hot vanilla and banana!

I've barely had the water either, not doing too well!! Just can't get back into the swing of all the water at the moment!! For the first few weeks I was fine and having 4-5 litres a day - struggling at weekends though, but now sometimes I don't have any. I've eaten on 2 days they were planned meals but they were quite big and I didn't eat anything else those days packs or food.

Will let you know tomorrow how I get on.

Hi Helen,
Good to see you back. How did you get on?
Sorry you're not feeling motivated at the moment - your chatterbox is probably working overtime to make you lose heart like that.
Just think of how you felt going to the session for the first time and what fired you up. Why are you on the diet? Get your mind focussed on what you want out of this rather than the process which isn't so easy. Get some water flavourings and get on the water trail cos as you've seen often here 'the more you drink the more you shrink'.
Go on you can do it ......
Lost 4 last night, which was a great result!! Very pleased about that! Boring as this diet is it's fab att he same time, more than halfway through now so that's cool!!
Hey well done!! I bet you feel better about things now.

If we include your weight in the May starters weekly weigh in - between 4 of us we've lost a whopping 18.7 lbs!!!! Wow!

WELL DONE May Starters

I went too my class last night & lost 3.5 pounds im so pleased with my weight loss so far, on saturday i got myself some new underwear & two tops.Hope everyone else has good losses this week too.
Hi Eileen,
I'm also delighted with my loss: I was complaining of being so tired and lethargic and it's been worth it thankfully as I lost a whopping 7 pounds this week.
How are you doing? Are you finding it easy? I find it ok if I'm not tempted (like this week). However I go to Ireland in 2 weeks and part of me is dreading it as it will be difficult to get out of eating.
Just waiting for Julia's and Helen's good news and see if we can beat last week's cumulative group loss.
Again well done and keep it up xx
Hi Everyone!
:clap::clap:, well done for the great losses this week.
sorry that I have been a bit quiet recently, but I really struggled this week, and was more in a hiding and lurking mood. I had to be weighed on Monday, as I had a prior engagement and couldn't attend my Tuesday group. I was relived to find out that I lost 3 lbs, as I felt really negative and as though I wouldn't have lost (being "blocked" up among other things). My crooked thinking is working overtime at the moment but the loss has helped me to focus again. Still find the no eating anything at the moment soo much harder than at the start of the programme. Sorry for the moan, I am still determined to see this through, so will just have to face my food demons (I think they are getting desperate now....)
Have a great week everyone!!
wow Trish what a fantastic loss this week well done, i wish i could get a big one in every now & again!
Julia well done on losing 3 pounds thats great,i know its not easy but it will be worth it in the end, hang on in there.

Thanks Eileen, I hope your day will come soon also. I think it's the ones like me who have loads to lose who seem to get a big one in every now and then. It's like it comes to keep us going as there are many weeks yet to come.
However I think your consistency is great and don't knock it! I bet you see such a difference in the mirror now and in your clothes?:scale:

I had my aunt in stitches this week when I tried on my winter coat. Talk about swamped! It also boosted me as some of my clothes are still fitting me ok and you doubt sometimes if things are really shifting. :giggle:

I know what you're going through as it happened me a couple of weeks ago and it undermines everything doesn't it? But as Eileen says keep at it cos we know it works and kicking your chatterbox into touch will work in the end. Are you writing your thought records down and challenging the evidence for and against? It does tend to put things in perspective ....
I hope things are getting better for you xxxxx
Sending vibes of encouragement your way
hi girls i was just wondering if you have been given your exercise ball yet, our ll conseller gave us ours a week early, i think its fab.Im using the band & ball together & really enjoying it.Also this morning i took the dog for a walk, im feeling so must fitter latley.
You're so good, Eileen!!!
We also got the ball this week but haven't used it yet - in fact haven't used the bands either! My excuse is that I haven't connected the DVD up to the telly ;). Is it fun??
Ohhhh, I must have missed out on getting my ball this week, as I was not at the meeting. Sounds like great fun. I suppose I really should watch that excercise DVD one of these days. I have been using the band though, especially for my arms and although I can't see any improvement yet I can definitely feel my muscles working when I do it:character00116:.

I had another bad day yesterday, but today I am feeling a lot more positive about it all again. I must be mad though, we have invited friends for a BBQ tomorrow (my idea can you believe it:eek:) and I have to come up with all sorts of delicious foods to serve them AND explain to them why I won't be eating. They haven't seen me since I started LL so they will probably be well shocked to see me. Well, looks like its going to be a wahsout anyway, so better come up with a plan B foodwise. Have a great weekend everyone
Oh Julia - what have you done? :)

But maybe in your subconscious you're trying to let more people know about LL. I find once I let people know, I don't want to let myself down in front of them and it's almost easier then. The one time I wandered out of abstinence, was when I went to a family BBQ and no one knew. I also wore clothes they've seen me in loads of times so there was nothing new for them to comment on. So when no one noticed my almost 2 stone off it was my excuse to eat!
So glam yourself up and put your best and tightest cobber on so you'll be chuffed at the remarks and feel less inclined to join them all. Remember to make your least favourite foods also (though to be honest I think I like most foods!).
Good luck and BE STRONG!!! Sending you vibes of strength ....
Thanks Trish!
Those vibes must be working. I think I will manage not to eat, as no doubt the (hopefully positive) comments and watchful eyes of hubby will keep me on the straight and narrow. I think I find it more difficult not to cheat when I'm slaving away in the kitchen by myself, kids screaming in the background. it's so tempting to just pop something into my mouth without anyone ever knowing.....of course I would just be cheating myself.
off later in the afternoon to do that shopping list. I think I will get my daugther to help me. Teaches her about being a good hostess and helps me feeling "watched". I will let you know how I got on.