Starting LL in May

You go for it. Sounds like you have a good plan, and let me know. I'm always interested in hearing how others manage.
I'm going home to Dublin in 2 weeks and I really do have to think hard and long about how to go about things. So it'll be my turn looking for vibes in a couple of weeks :eek:
Hi Guys,
Not much action here this week is there? I've been busy with work and haven't had much time to come in, but thought I'd post my 3 lb loss this week.
Good luck to the rest of Maystarters .........
Yes it has been a bit quiet this week!! I've got my weigh in tonight, not sur ehow well I've done as I've eaten over the weekend but nothing unhealthy, or though there was about 15 minutes on Friday night when we were looking at the dominos menu, but instead David made the most amazing rissoto(sp!). I went to the gym on Tuesday and am going again tonight just before my weigh in.

Here's a question for you, I basically have legs like a german shotputter very chunky calves, if I do a step class will it tone my legs or make them more chunky, I'm planning on doing a boxercise class and I know that tones the arms but really want to get my legs looking a bit more shapely!!

Forgot to say I really want to lose 3lbs tonight then I'll be in the 13s!!

Just hope the weekend didn't affect it too much!!
Leg toners

Hi H,
Good luck for tonight ....

I really don't know much about exercise but I think any exercise would help the shape. I found the following on a Yahoo fitness site so let me know if the exercises work at all.

It is never too late in life to tone up your legs. To make your body change, you have to stress it. Beginners should start out with only floor exercises and gradually advance their workouts. After doing floor exercises for a time, you will want to add weights to your training and begin to do stand-up exercises. The standing, weight-bearing exercises are more difficult because you are using gravity and balancing. This forces you to stabilize your torso. In addition, it is important to note when doing weight-bearing exercises, leave at least one day between exercise sessions. This gives the muscle tissue a chance to recover.

Squats and lunges are the two best exercises for the legs. They work every part of the leg. You can do lunges by stepping either backward or forward - or both! Some feel stepping backward allows one to keep better form. Do whichever feels most comfortable to you.

Other great exercises for legs are step-ups. For the step-up, you step up onto a platform while holding weights. Step-ups work the quadriceps, the front of the thigh and gluteus maximus (the butt). Flexibility exercises are also excellent for the legs. They give the leg muscle a nicer looking line. After you have finished a leg workout or between exercises, do a stretching exercise. In addition, yoga is fantastic for stretching and gently strengthening the muscles.

To keep results coming, one needs to vary their exercises every three to four weeks to stimulate the exerciser mentally and give them a boost physically. Such changes could include switching to a new exercise or using more weight and fewer repetitions.

It is important to learn and practice proper form in all your exercises, especially those using free weights. If you do an exercise incorrectly, you can cause undue strain somewhere else, particularly in your lower back. You want to avoid this.

For beginners, start with non-weight-bearing exercises on the floor such as leg raises on the floor. Do four to six different exercises, two sets of each exercise and 10 to 12 repetitions per set. You may then progress to weight-bearing exercises standing up. When you are more advanced, do five to ten exercises, three to five sets of each exercise and 12 t o20 repetitions. As you gain strength, you can add more weight.

The following exercises are ideal for both beginners and veterans. Simply adapt the workout to your needs. Perform each exercise the appropriate number of reps for desired effect without rests. After the lunge, sissy squat and lying adductor raise exercises are complete, rest 30 seconds. Repeat the supersets two more times with a 30-second rest between.

Lunge -- Begin by grasping two dumbbells and allow them to hang down by your sides. Take a long stride forward with your right leg and raise your left heel so your left foot is on its toes. Keeping your shoulders back and chin up, slowly lower your body by flexing your right knee and hip, continuing your descent until your left knee is almost in contact with the floor. Reverse direction by forcibly extending the right hip and knee until you return to the start position. After performing the desired number of reps, repeat the process on your left leg.

Sissy Squat -- Begin by taking a shoulder-width stance. Grasp an incline bench with one hand and rise onto your toes. In one motion, slowly slant your torso back, bend your knees and lower your body downward. Thrust your knees forward as you descend and lean back until your torso is almost parallel with the floor. Then, reverse direction and rise upward until you reach the starting position.

Lying Adductor Raise -- Begin by lying down on your right side. Bring your left leg over your right leg, keeping it bent at a 90-degree angle with your left foot planted firmly on the floor. Keeping your right leg straight, slowly raise it as high as possible. Contract your inner thigh and return to the start position. After finishing the desired number of repetitions, turn over and repeat the process on your left. For added intensity, strap on ankle weights.
Sharon lovely to have you on board and well done on your losses!!!
This site is great for help and inspiration too. Looking forward to hearing your stories ....
Thanks for that info tishtosh.

Yay me I lost 4lbs tonight so I'm now 13 stone 12lbs, I've got only 3lbs until I've lost 3 stone!!! I can't believe how much I've lost yet how little I can see a change!!!

I am really pleased and I'm sure that when I get my before and after picture I'll be able to see it.

hi everyone i hope you are all doing well, i didnt have a good weigh in on monday but hay ho im keeping going, its got too come off.Last night i went out & had water all night i had a great night & really enjoyed myself.Plus i had no hang over this morning.It can be done!
Good for you Eileen,
I think you know the improvements you've made by your ability to carry on despite the down weeks. Overall you've lost loads and well done to you.
I'm with you about the drinking - I now love staying sober and waking up clear-headed (and feeling very righteous!). I just wish I could have the same attitude towards food and not always feel deprived when I see others eating normally.
The only consolation is that I couldn't dream of being a normal size on any other diet.... so it's worth carrying on.
Just wondering if anyone else is doing thought records? I keep looking at them and haven't managed to do one as something is happening yet but only after the event so to speak. Also i have to be honest I don't really relate any of them to food. It seems that I don't turn to food as a reaction to something so I am finding it hard to use these. Any thoughts anyone?
Hi Sharon,
I must admit to finding the 'thought' process difficult too, though not because I don't turn to food when things go wrong cos I do!
However it's like I have selective memory as I can't seem to remember what went through my head when I had all those binges, over the years. It's like my subconscious has gotten rid of them all now that I'm trying to be positive about sticking to LL. In a way when I try to think of past 'thoughts' around food, I start thinking about food which isn't good either.
I just try and do a thought record after I've had a blip etc. But it's not easy, I agree.
At the moment I'm trying to formulate a record around why I can't be bothered increasing my exercise level .... but not getting very far yet.
Good luck with it Sharon and maybe we'll help each other in the future with them? Or maybe someone else can help us a bit?
Talk soon xx:confused:
im so pleased with myself today, i went into town & had a look around the market i saw so lovely summer sandels anyway i thought i would see if my foot would almost fit into them im glad i did they fit perfect. Normaly i have a lot of troulble with finding shoes too fit.
Bet that was a great boost Eileen,
The weekend before I started LL, I went looking for sandals and bought a real old-fashioned pair from Clarks as nothing else would fit me. Now because of all the rain we've had, I haven't worn them at all and they're loose on me now! What a wate of money - eh?
Well done .....
Is anyone else finding things tough at this stage? I really really want to eat and I don't mean mindless binging. I mean a proper meal. We always used to sit down to a family dinner in the evening, partner and three children and I really miss the social even of us having a meal together.
Hi Sharon,

I had that last week and had a minor blip - but it's not worth it for me. I've tried too many diets where I can eat with everyone and I end up adding bits and get out of control once again.

I have NEVER been a normal size since age 10 and this is the first diet where I feel I may actually get there.
So it very much depends on how much weight you have to lose and how much that loss means to you. No one starts LL as their first diet so I assume you've tried others and then put more back on after a while ...?

Think of why you joined it - it is hard and no one's denying it, and I do admire you for doing it with a family to cook for also. I at least don't have that temptation on a daily basis.

I have seen this phrase often on this site and I say it to myself when I'm tempted .....

'Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels'

Good luck Sharon, hope it all passes .......

2lbs off for me this week which I am ok with. I made the decision, in my adult, to eat something on Friday. Poached egg on toast. I was really struggling with my chatterbox that I wanted the social event of sitting down and eating properly so rather than fight it which I had been doing most of the week I made that choice. I feel alright about it and not disappointed or guilty. Refocussed for a fantastic week this week. I would like a 5lb loss this week to take me under 14 stone.
Hi Everyone! I have been very quiet recently, as I hardly managed to get onto the computer the last week. Just tryingto catch up with some of the posts. Well done everyone for your weightlosses (last weeks one by now) I lost 3 lbs last tuesday, which makes a total of 3stones, yipeehhh, and finally everyone is starting to notice (couldn't keep count of the amount of people commenting over the last week). This is basically what keeps me going at the moment, otherwise I still find it very hard, and have lots of moments where my chatterbox is almost getting the better of me.

Still here though,and oh, that BBQ we had about a week ago went really well in the end, although I had some milk in my coffee,:eek::eek: but believe me it could have been a lot worse (there was lots of my favourite foods there, our friends brought lots of seafood as well, and were a bit dissappointed when I said I wouldn't be eating any of it, so I was really tempted to just let it go the once, talking to myself like some madwoman, until husband snapped me out of it)

I have been good as gold this week though and hopefully this will show in a good weightloss. Have a good week everyone.
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Well done!! If I lose 3lbs this week that takes me to 3 stone!

The only people who've commented on my weight loss are people that know I'm doing the diet, which makes me a bit disheartened! Even though I can't see it either myself, so can't expect others to see!!

I mean yes I was wearing 20/22 and now I'm in 18s but my clothes were alway big for me so maybe I'm in the right size or have stretched them a bit.

Hmmmmmmmmm can't wait to get the before and after pictures. We're doing lifeline this week, anyone done that yet?

i was a bit dissapointed again this week with my loss, 2.6 i thought it would be more with sticking last week, there,s nothing i can do about it as im doing ll 100%.There are just two of us who have not eaten in class, im losing the least, i know i shouldnt conpare but its hard not too.This has happened too me on other diets, only difference by this time i would have cheated.I wonder if i sleep walk?
I hope everyone else is having a good week.