Starting TS on Monday!!

Well not quite sure really. 11.9 was my prepregnanacy weight and I looked ok at that as I'll never be twiggy! BUT to get to a BMI of 25 I need to be 11 which I think is nearly impossible. I was 10.12 when I got married almost 11 yrs (eak!!) ago and I dieted and exercised like mad so I don't think I will ever be that weight again. On my app I've stick with 11.9 which is achievable by end July if I sttick at it! You?
Good plan. Which app do you use??? I would love to be 11st 7 but I think I will get stuck at 12. I'm very tall at nearly 5'9 so 12 looks ok. 11st 7 would be good so always had 7lb to play with. I aim to lose to 2 stone on exante fingers crossed. Then diet and exercise the rest, I need to teach myself some new long term habits!!!! Term 6 is the max amount of time I will do this 1. Because of money and 2. I want my little boy to see me have a healthy relationship with food. So better bust a gut this term!!!! Xx
Lol jil! That's good thinking about your son seeing you have a healthy relationship with food - it is very important!

I'm just a little taller than you and I went down to 11 stone the previous 2 times I did TFR and I felt amazing in myself for it but everyone said I looked too skinny! Last I weighed in I was 12st 3 and everyone is telling me to stop now and I have to for my wedding dress to fit ~ although I don't feel skinny enough now I know being 12stone is more maintainable for me as being too skinny adds more pressure I think and actually can make you lead to binges from putting too much pressure on ourselves... I've completely rambled here lol hope it makes sense and says what I had been meaning to say =S lol
Yeah it does :) although doesn't annoy you when people say you look too skinny, I'm will to bet they didn't tell you that you were fat before- so why at this end of the spectrum.

I pray for your success! What is your total loss and number of weeks?? Did you do all TS? Any blips?

B x
Lol I'm 3lbs off goal!! Weigh in tomorrow so I have my fingers crossed for that to come off!

I haven't had any unplanned blips!! I didn't cheat once except for this weekend I had food as my inlaws to be we're visiting and it was my birthday on Thursday so we went out for dinner with that but I haven't had any carbs or anything so I'm still in ketosis =)
Nobody has told me I am too skinny since I was about 17! I think I would quite like to be told that now!!!!