Starving n need some advice on boiled eggs. lol.


Fridge Dodging
I want boiled egs and toast but i was thinking if i hard boiled some eggs and took out the yolk would they be free? lol. Please someone help me because I am feeling soooooooooo hungry. I have enough points to eat the yolk but had yet another really really chinese & vodka fueled bad weekend so i was hoping to save 4 for today.
But but but the yolks the best bit!! What will you dip the soldiers in?!?


I never realised egg whites were free..!
Egg whites have saved meeeeeee :p
Oh my god ive been classing an egg as one point -- ive had one nearly everyday for brekky and youre all telling me i can get rid of the yolk and its freeee???????
Boiled, poached, srambled or omelette all free as long as you ditch the yolk. My hamsters are begining to look like furry tennis balls on little stumpy legs with all the yolks they have been eating lol
I have been chucking my yolks out, and feeling really guilty about it!! I have been having an egg white omelette for brekkie the last couple of mornings. Not sure what I could do with the yolks.
An egg is 1.5 anyway lovely, the yolk is 1.5 points and the white is free so make sure you arent missing that 0.5 points when you do have it.