stburgan food diary

Lol yep I did I got in and half four this morning but was good.

Today 15/6/14
Breakfast bacon 1 sausage scrambled egg beans tomatoes toast (Hb)
Donut peach.

Tea beef with.ginger spring onion garlic. Onions peppers boiled rice

Milk (ha)

Sausage 4
Choc cake 11
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Banana pear plum benefit light (half hb)

Breakfast melon pineapple blueberries with ff yogurt benefit light bar
Lunch ham and egg salad with lettice cucumber tomatoes celery spring onions peppers radish beetroot gherkins pickled onions. Ff yogurt. Apple

Snack 2 plum 2 satsumas Sharon fruit grapes

Tea Chinese pork steak with.mushrooms onions Baby corn. Peppers

Ha 3 my mini babybel light

Cheese curls x2. 6 syns
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Just popping in to see how you'redoing. Looks like your food is fab and you're doing great, well done! I've been a bit shaky with SW this month. I had a week 'off' when it was my exam at the beginning of june, then weighed in after another week on plan and stayed the same. So now I'm back where I was at the start of the month, determined to get something off this week though :) xxx
Tues 17th June
Well am off today and going out for day so hoping for best

Breakfast. Melon pineapple blueberries with ff yogurt banana

Lunch salmon and sweet potatoe fishcake. Ribs with small amount of bbq sauce. tomato mushrooms jacket potatoe and 3 onion rings

Tea spicy couscous coated fish (tasted like nasal fish) with Cauliflower rice and cous cous coated spiced broccoli

Strawberry yogurt and benefit light(hb) layered sundae

bbq sauce ? 4 Syns
Onion rings 6 syns
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Banana pear Nectarine benefit light (half hb)
Breakfast. Strawberries melon pineapple blueberries with ff yogurt. Benefit light bar(half hb)

Lunch Ham salad with extra pickles cheese (ha) fruit salad as above with ff yogurt. Nectarine

Broccoli and onion pasta with ham ff yogurt satsuma plum apple Nectarine

Aldi cheese curls 3 syns
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Banana plum pear benefit light bar (hb)
Breakfast melon pineapple blueberries ff yogurt

Lunch ham salad with pickled onions and gherkins. Melon pineapple blueberries with ff yogurt benefit light bar (hb)

Tea scrambled egg with herbs onion and mushrooms apple plum Nectarine

Nectarine plum x2

Cheese curls 3
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Well it's weigh in day again..... Due due dummmm lol
. Hopefully have done Ok
It's my sis bday today for a Chinese buffet for lunch straight after weigh in lol maybe defeating the purpose but it's just one day

Breakfast pear plum
Sat 21st June
Breakfast banana pear apple plum Donut peach 2

Dinner ham salad sandwich (hb) banana
Well I'm gonna try being good again today tho am out this afternoon at my friends fellas bday but gonna try be good
Breakfast ham beans onions mushroom egg
Dinner ham.salad sandwich (hb) with pickles Ff yogurt carrot sticks banana apple pear peach
Well yesterday (Monday) just went wrong so am going bed (am on nights) and will start again when I get up xz
Well done on your loss hun. Hadnt even asked been so up my own bottom of late xx
So am gonna put some effort back into it today

Breakfast kippers and pineapple melon with ff yogurt

Ham salad with pickles. Ff yogurt. Melon pineapple

2 Apple. pear. peach. Grapes
2 benefit light bars (hb)
Ff yogurt

3x Crisps = 9.5
Ringos = 5 Syns
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Well my heads not really in it this week but am trying, it's my last night this week. So will hopefully get better

Noodles with broccoli spring onion and ham
Melon pineapple with ff yogurt

Low low sweet and sour chicken with rice 2.5 Syns
Melon pineapple and ff yogurt
2 apple pear
2 benefit light bars (hb)

Crisps X2 6.5 syns
Ham salad sandwich (hb)
Slow cooked lamb with onions and Cauliflower rice

Crinkle mini cheddars 6 syns