Total Solution Steeleee's Exante Diary


Silver Member
Hi :)

Back again! Been on Exante since last Monday (11th Feb), all going well so far! Been meaning to start a new diary on here since then, I'm a bit of a procrastinator you see, but I'll tell you about it later.... ;)

Week one went well, no slips, so all is good! Weighed today, only because it's my Birthday so it was my little treat, lol! But it was definitely good news, lost AT LEAST 19lbs!! Well happy :) Having a celebratory strawberry shake now, lol!

Was thinking earlier as well, that today is a good day to start a diary, because it's my birthday (a whooolee quarter of a century old now!!). So I got to thinking about how amazing it would be on my 26th birthday if I had stuck to exante for most, if not all, of a year. I quite like the idea of perhaps almost being at my goal weight for when I'm 26 :)

Thanks :D

Day 10 and all going ok still :) Seem to be feeling a bit more positive about things now, maybe being 25 agrees with me! Haha :D
Day 11 -> Done :)

Not sure what it is about exante this time round, but I seem to be having more soups than shakes! Been having 2 soups and a porridge the last few days! Although it is only the veg soup, and occaisonally the thai chicken, that I like. I find making them on the hob makes them nicer, thicker, and because you "cook" it on the hob, it makes it seem like more of a meal? Not sure if I'm making sense lol! Still love the shakes, but found I've been soo cold, just wanted something hot! Looking forward to payday when I can get the winter warmer pack and see what the carbonara is like :D and might get the choc shakes while they're on offer too, then I've got over 6wks of stuff, no excuses then lol! :D
How's it going? Hope you're doing ok.

I'm doing my NQT year so completely understand wanting to lose weight for your PGCE.