Stephe King Fans?

Not bad actually. Read it not long ago.
I love and hate him, depending on the book.

I really enjoyed The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and The Shining terrified me when I was younger.
I've just started reading "The Shining"
I loved the film but had never read the book...
This is actually the FIRST Stephen King book i've ever picked up :)
i'm saddened that no one has even mentioned Thinner! (How apt for this site :p ) It is my most favourite-est-est book and film ever!
i think that's the only book of his i've read cos i didn't really get into him till last year, and then i started uni and stopped reading for leisure etc etc, but i loooove his films, the shining was brilliant, but you couldn't make a bad jack nicholson film. pet semetary oh my god how much did i love that, the ending where he kisses his wife was so gross :p and where he falls out of bed and smacks his eye on the beside table just could not have been scripted! Aww and the mist, how sad! if i cried from films i would have bawled!
If only he did actually write the lawnmower man, that would make that film even more special :D
I love SK I have literally everything he's ever penned lol I love the dark tower series and thinner is an amazing book! Some of the lesser known ones are really creepy! Im a bit of a geek but I love all the references from other books in there! Geralds Game scared the life out of me! If you've read them all you can spot all the old characters and plotlines peeping thru at you! Love it!

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I haven't read a Stephen King since my teens!! I got a brand new copy of Under the Dome the other day for £2!... i too couldn't help but think of Homer Simpson on a motorbike lol!

I do love a good scary book, but for some reason i just can't find one to make me hide under the covers....
I have read most SK books except Under the Dome (didn't want to read that before I watched Haven) and The Dark Tower series. Have to say that apart from The Shining and The Stand, I have a tendency to get bored in the middle of his books but really enjoy the beginning and the end (except The Stand where I didn't want to get to the end...)
Am a huge SK fan, Pet Semetary remains the scariest book I have ever read, and it must be 20 years since I first read it, closely followed by IT. The Dark Tower series is brilliant, and is now being made into a film/TV series - hopefully they won't ruin it like some others. Green Mile remains one of my all time favourite films, but I have read almost all of his books and enjoyed most of them. Some will remain all time favourites while others will probably never get read again.
Stephen King is brilliant.
My first and fave is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. Its always got my heart more than the others I think its the whole concept of fear.

I also love Cujo, Carrie, It, Needful things, Dreamcatcher, Desperation, Cell, Duma Key, Thinner, Liseys story, and running man.

Hmm...also several others. The only ones I'm not that interested in are the dark tower series and the books about cars; christine and from a buick 8
I used to love SK. I've read a lot of his earlier works - The Running Man, The Long Walk, Pet Sematary, IT, The Stand, Needful Things, The Tommyknockers, Gerald's Game, Misery, and probably several others I can't remember. Bought Rose Madder and don't think I ever got round to finishing it. Haven't read anything since, I don't think. I'd love to see The Long Walk made into a film, if they could properly capture the psychological side of it.

Perhaps I should get hold of a few of his newer ones, now that I have a Kindle and space is no longer an issue.
Ulysses31 said:
I used to love SK. I've read a lot of his earlier works - The Running Man, The Long Walk, Pet Sematary, IT, The Stand, Needful Things, The Tommyknockers, Gerald's Game, Misery, and probably several others I can't remember. Bought Rose Madder and don't think I ever got round to finishing it. Haven't read anything since, I don't think. I'd love to see The Long Walk made into a film, if they could properly capture the psychological side of it.

Perhaps I should get hold of a few of his newer ones, now that I have a Kindle and space is no longer an issue.

Hi i too like you loved stephen king was amazed at his writing skills and imagination but his new ones are lacking each and everyone were unputable