Stig's Dukan adventure

Cruise day Two PP and Week one weigh in

Week one = - 6 :D six days attack

First weigh in and have lost 6lb really, really pleased, 6 pound of fat gone. Watch out all the other fat, Dukan is going to get you!! (sounds a bit like a bully )

I am still half a pound heavier than I was Sunday morning, I guess this is normal; I had a PV day yesterday and the old system is in a bit of shock!
Woop, woop you go go Stig :party0011:, waiting for your status update. Oh I am so sad, you should see my excitement, I am even doing the go, go with the hands up and swaying my big hips!
Thank you, hey a think I might jump and down as well. We could have a Dunkan jump once a week. One jump for every pound everybody has lost that week, we would soon be at true weight!
Yeah it will be good exercise.
stig well done :) xxx
Okay which one of you told my swim instructor that I am on a diet. Wow man she pushed as today, 30 minutes none stop up and down the pool. Feel good now. It was the last lesson of the term. I am the largest out of us all, as we were showering I was plotting in my head and thinking, next term I will be slimmer not TW but should not have so many lumps bumps, sticky out stomach and bounce-a-leen bottom. So I have another goal. They are great people I swim with so I know there will be comments. Ohhhhhhhhhhh just thought new beach babe swimsuit,sorry getting carried away.
not getting carried away at all, i do it all the time its crazy! my worst is i cant stop looking at myself in the mirror theres one outside the toile door at my mums and everytime i goo to the loo i come out and look at my body in the mirror, shameful i kno but i love it! x
So glad I am not the only one. Mind I have a long way to go but picturing it makes me feel good.
Its good to have a future goal, something to aim for. You go girl!!! x
Cruise day Two PP and Week one weigh in

Breakie 2 x Lemon Cheesecake
Lunch Tofu Onion Garlic Quark
Dinner yuk Fish, Quark Onion Garlic
Lots of coffee Water and extra water drunk whilst swimming not sure if pool water is Dukan friendly!!
Week one = - 6 :D six days attack
woohoo, well done. nice one.
Sorry Stig, I don't see chlorine and other people's wee on the list of 100 Dukan approved foods.


Great work on week 1, keep it up! Eating out is definitely tough especially without meat. I worry that I'm not letting myself live in the 'real' world yet, but I'm doing the same as you - if there's something I can eat then great (1 single egg though?!?), if not I come home and fill up. Am hoping by the end of this it won't be an issue and I'll just choose what I want but not go crazy and stop eating when I'm full. We shall see!

I've been carrying around these little packed chunks of bean curd. I know this might sound horrible to non-veggies (!) but I love the stuff and it's perfect for emergencies as it doesn't need to be kept in the fridge and you can get individual portions. Have you found anything like that?

Keep going, Dukan is clearly working well for you!

hey im not a veggie but i like bean curd its an aquired taste tho i suppose its just i went through a veggie stage in my teens admittedly it wasnt a very long stage but it helped me to realise what veggies foods i liked. i dont mind quorn slices the bacon substitute either but not a huge fan of the sausages but they arent as bad as some foods that other people eat like black pudding or water chestnuts erugh i hate them water chestnut things they are like the some alien food or something taste fowl to me ... so gross!!
That is on my list, thank you ladies. I have never tried it before.
Thanks J, wee, never swimming again, mind I do not think anybody has had a wee in the water as there are no pennies on the side of the pool!
stig said:
That is on my list, thank you ladies. I have never tried it before.
Thanks J, wee, never swimming again, mind I do not think anybody has had a wee in the water as there are no pennies on the side of the pool!

These days, doesn't the water turn purple if you wee in it? Or is that an urban myth?

Either way, it's stopped me .... ;)

P x :D
I have heard that but have never seen it. where we swim they do a lot of children's lesson so I should think the water would always be purple. I shall try it out next time.......joking