Strange consultant?!?

*Emsie* said:
This thread started in 2011 so it is probably a bit late for either option lol x

Oops that's my fault not quite got my head round finding my way around the forum yet I'm sure it was at the top of the list when you scroll down on the app, I thought they was the newest posts lol
Emma I live in Barton I just work in hull lol
I might use that one if i'm off work or my mums unable to come to the hull one
becci1783 said:
I might use that one if i'm off work or my mums unable to come to the hull one

Kerry's fab...really bubbly and is more like a get together than a meeting-really fun,especially at the 7pm group ;)
Emmamb said:
Kerry's fab...really bubbly and is more like a get together than a meeting-really fun,especially at the 7pm group ;)

That's good to know, might try it one week :)