Struggling? Thats me!!!

Mrs M a great job on the loss!! xx Yay.

Suzy you are loosing the weight and partly because of GoLower however, remember it is you that is in control not the food. xx

Holiday in 7 weeks as of Sat midnight. Very excited although I am nervous as the weight is only slowly budging and that scares me.

You are both right, yes Go Lower works for me and I know it is me that has lost the weight but that is because I find the Go Lower diet is so easy to follow.

Other diets I have tried I just could not stick to for whatever reason and. Now I have found one that is also teaching my good eating habits..... like 3 meals a day and not skipping meals.

Bren, you still have quite a few weeks until your hols so stick to what you are doing and you now you will lose some more by then.
Hi girls, another weekend, another time for temptation! I find weekends so hard sometimes but I'm going to treat today as if it's just another day.

Went to a party at a friends last night she was hosting a homeware party so it was good, got a little gadget to cut vegetables for stir fries so we'll see what it's like when it arrives. Ate few spicy nuts and had a slice of raspberry coulis cheesecake, which was delicious, not going to be hard on myself because I went to the gym every day this week and I'll probably go this evening too and I never use any of my activity points so hopefully they'll counteract the dessert!!! I'd like to add I managed to by pass vol au vons, sausages, crackers with cheese, sandwiches and loads of other desserts, so very proud of myself!

Bren 7 weeks is loads of time, maybe take a bit of time out to reflect on how far you've come and how much further you want to get, say to yourself how much happier you'll be on holidays nearer to that goal if not at it.

I'm going to have a sit down today now and look at a few dinner receipes, I'm cooking all the same things all the time so going to spice it up a bit for this week.

Have good weekend girls! x
Mrs M

A very big well done for not being tempted by the food on offer.

I was invited to a restaurant opening last week and missed all the food samples because I had a school meeting first. I was actually quite happy about it as it meant I didn't have to explain why I couldn't eat it because I am on Go Lower and it also meant I wasn't even tempted.

I have been very good this weekend, although yesterday I hardly ate as I was moving the bedrooms around so I shut myself upstairs for most if the day. That wasn't a good thing to do so today I am making sure three proper meals as I know skipping meals will not help my diet.

I did lots of exercise if moving wardrobes counts! Hubby was not impressed as he had to take a wardrobe apart only to put it back together again in the spare room as I insisted I needed the big wardrobe for all my clothes. I ignored the comments he made about me having a clear out!

I didn't tell him once I reach target I will have a major clearout but then I will bring the clothes from my parents loft home because they will then fit me! There are clothes up there that have been boxed away for about 10 years. Levi jeans are one thing I can not wait to get back into and I have so many pairs of them up there.

I will post again tomorrow ladies, it's late and I'm tired.

I hate it when that happens Bren.

If I have been typing for a long time and I am worried it may log me out or I have walked away from the computer to deal with the kids or something I have now learnt to try to copy my post first.

It doesn't always work and many a time I have had to re-type it.

Technology...... how great it is when it works!
Yeah I know... I did copy but also went and did something else on WORD where I was copying and it copied my work stuff instead! Boring for you guys.

I have calorie counted yesterday and today just for a change and to get my bum back into gear. Feeling better and hoping the scales will see a difference on Sat morning. Otherwise i may begin to fret about not feeling comfy in my bikini in 6/7weeks!! EEK.

I went to the gym at 6 this morning as I had to take my car in to be assessed and I felt awesome for the entire day. I am going to try and emulate this again tomorrow but will need to be there 1 hours earlier! I know tell me about that!?>: Finger crossed.

How is everyone's day shaping up?

Hi ladies,

having crap day today, just started on stressful note, everytime i went to eat today the baby started roaring, and i'm really not great without food. Didn't get to go to gym today either so heading out to mini gym in garage to do 30 minutes on cross trainer.

I'll post after weight in in the morning.... fingers crossed!
Mrs M
I hope today has gone better for you. How old is the baby? At that stage where you can't leave the room?

It gets easier I promise! Good luck with your weigh in, I am sure you have done well!

Bren, getting up an hour earlier for me sounds like far to much work but great news that it set you up for the day.

Years ago, pre hubby and kids etc I used to swim before work but now I barley get any "ME" time and when I do all I want to do is relax. That is why my Go Lower diet is so great for me as I don't need to exercise!

Unlike you two I am too lazy to stick to an exercise regime.

You will look great in your bikini Bren because you are working so hard at it.
Hi girls

Sorry I've been away for couple of days so only home last night and getting a few minutes to log on now.

Suzy baby is 19 weeks, nearly 5 months, he's getting to stage now where can't leave him on anything cause he's wriggling to get places. Luckily older chap, 6, doesn't mind entertaining him when i get few bits done around the house.

So lost only half a pound last week and I've finish with weight watchers for the time being... I just don't feel that I'll shift the last ten lbs using it.

SO I've started Phase 1 of South Beach Diet this morning, first two weeks are restrictive but to be honest i don't eat much bread pasta or potatoes so it's not that big a change for me. so we'll see how i go, had eggs and bacon for brekkie
Mrs M

Is the diet low carb?

Go Lower the diet that I am on is low carb and I am losing amazing amounts, about a stone each month! I never thought that was possible.

If your new diet is low carb I eat of chicken and prawns as well as cheese in addition to the meals that Go Lower supply. I have not missed the bread and potatoes like I thought I would and I have found it really easy to follow.

You still lost weight so please be proud of yourself as you are doing great.

Before you know it the baby will be sitting up and then crawling and then the fun really starts doesn't it?
Hi Suzy,

Yes seems to be low carb for first two weeks or Phase 1 as they call it. You can't have bread, potatoes, rice, pasta or fruit. You can have any lean cuts of meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, nuts (restricted amount but good for snacks), cheese (low fat), 1 tablespoon of oil or mayonnaise and vegetables. You can also have one low fat yogurt a day and use skimmed milk in tea or coffee. So not that bad really.

Today I started with two eggs scrambled and four grilled rashers with rind removed. Lunch was big salad with spinach, cumcumber, tomato and scallions with a chicken breast, and wait for it, some grated cheese AND a tablespoon of mayonnaise, I felt so guilty eating the cheese and mayo, I haven't eaten any since January. I was eating it thinking omg I'm going to be up in weight next Monday.
Fingers crossed it works for me, but you've been successful on the same sort of foods have you?

Yes baby will be crawling around before I know it and keeping everyone on our toes, luckily his big brother is very good and they kind of amaze each other!
Mrs M

Yes, your diet does sound very similar to Go Lower the diet I am on and the weight is falling of me.

I am allowed a handful of berries each day but I don't have any other fruit. Some days I may have my berries with my breakfast or I may save them for desert in the evening.

Enjoy the cheese..... as I have been told there are good fats and it is just getting your head around what is good for you and what isn't.

That is why Go Lower suits me so well because the meals are supplied and I don't have to think about it!

Good luck and make sure you drink plenty of water over the next few days as I found when I went into ketosis I needed to drink lots.
Thanks for the advise Suzy, I'm only half way through the book so learning the ins and outs as i go along, all fruit is banned until week 3, I'm doing good so far though, I know it's only two days in but I think I'll be alright on week days and probably find the weekends difficult. We'll play it by ear!!

Yes I'm hoping the cheese will do me good, cause it tastes delicious! By the way found great website for low GL receipes, it might be helpful to you when you finish with the Go Lower it's Kalyn's Kitchen

I'm weighting in tomorrow, I know i only started on Mon but I'm keeping my Wed weight in day. What day do you weight in Suzy?
Hi Mrs M

I will have a look at the website you mentioned, thanks.

When I was on holiday I didn't follow my Go Lower diet and I didn't gain anything at all so I am hoping when I am ready to maintain I can eat normally without worrying about weight gain anymore.

They do have some recepies on the Go Lower website as well but as I am not one for cooking I have not tried any out yet.

Good luck with you weigh in today, I am sure you have done well.

As my diet works on a stone a month I don't weigh myself to often. During the month I will occasionally step on the scales just to check they are going in the right direction but I am not a slave to them.

I have been there before whenI have been on diets and I refuse to worry every day about my loss! Much less stressful for me.

I also keep the scales put away so I can't just step on them each time I go into the bathroom.......
Hi Stivesliz

I have tried all sorts of diets over the years and it is only since I started on Go Lower that I have finally found the diet for me.

What diet are you following?