Total Solution Stylish Kid's Diary

Today is the day i've been semi dreading lol My friends getting married so I'm allowing myself a break for today but I'm so afraid I'll pile on lost pounds :-\ But at least I know I'll be watching what I eat not just stuffing myself like I used to haha. Plus it's my TOTM so not looking forward to my weigh in. Although some good news I get to wear a dress today that didn't fit me three weeks ago woop woop :)
Have a fun Saturday!
Looks like I was right to dread Saturday and to make matters worse I was at a BBQ last night. I did avoid the carbs but still ate and drank a bit too much grr. So I think anything I lost at the start of the week has been put back on oops. Overall I did make a loss a measly 0.2lbs lol but still a loss I guess
Mini challenge time.
I've exactly seven more weigh in's until my birthday so my challenge to myself is to lose 21lbs in seven weeks. That's an average of 3lbs a week, should be achievable. Fingers crossed anyhow :)

Let the games begin!
Well done ur doing great. I c u don't like the shakes... I love them but I don't like the soups and bars too much.
Good luck going forward.
Cheers beckie :) You're doing great too. Yeah the shakes are nasty in my opinion but I love the bars, they're so filling and kick my craving for sweet things. We're just lucky exante have variety hehe
I adore my scales this morning :-D I'm down 5lbs! So happy after last weeks non movement. Epic happy dance :)
So far this week has been a bit dodgy, oops. I'm hoping not to have done much damage but I've had some nibbles on things I shouldn't have. Definitely going to weigh and shame myself in the morning. I was planning on breaking a little on Saturday when I have a BBQ but if I've put anything on in the morning it's a strict weekend for me. Is it bad that I kind of hope I have put up a bit to prevent me having things I shouldn't in the future? :-\
Well the results are in and less than a lb down, so I can scold myself for being naughty and work hard for the rest of the week to make up for it. No drinkes for me at ze BBQ so, but on the bright side I have the whole maintaining thing down haha, just a pity I'm not at my goal. Roll on Tuesday for my official weigh in :)
Good morning, just caught up with your diary.

Your over all weight loss is fabulous, so hang on in there and remember how much you want this to succeed!

I'm a tuesday weigher too, good luck tomorrow :) xx
Cheers giggles :) My weight loss is definitely sporadic but at least always in the right direction. You're right though I need to look at the overall more :)
Good luck to you this morning too.

My scales were kind considering all my naughtyness. Down 2.6 lbs Woop wool.
Which makes my main focus for this week to get into the 14's, about 4 lbs isn't too much to aim for is it? Haha
Good morning and a mega well done on the loss of 2.6lbs, fingers crossed you get your 4lb+ loss next week xx
Thanks giggles, hopefully if I do 100% this week with no giving in to temptations I should reach my goal. Just gotta keep reminding myself how good it'll be to finally reach the 14's. Haven't seen them since I was a teen lol
Absolutely! You sound very focused and determined, I'm sure you'll do it xx
Besides being extra motivated at the start of this week, it's gone completely tits up. I've been stressed and letting my diet slide. So mad at myself now, had a cheeky weigh in this morning to assess the damage and for the first time since I started this diet I've gained :O hopefully this will kick my motivation back into gear so I'm at least back on track for my official weigh in on Tuesday.

So mad right now. Grrr
Good morning, hope you've got your motivation back. Hang on in there xx
You can do it :)
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Cheers giggles I really need a good kick up the bum lol
Just need to remember I have a long way to go before I can get lazy with my diet. It'll be pure luck if I make it to the 14.s this week lol. All my hope is for next week now.

Best of luck lovehate :)
Just been reading through your diary - huge congrats on your progress so far!
Don't beat yourself up too much for last week - what is done is done and you are gonna rock it next week!
Good luck for WI tom

Cookie xx