Total Solution Stylish Kid's Diary

Looks like my damage control paid off :)
Down 2.8lbs this week, delighted! Not what I was aiming for last week but still extremely better than a gain. The 14's are so close now I can practically smell them. Also that's two stone I never want to get back lol
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Also in other news my bf suggested we go out some where for my birthday next month, like nandos or something. I've never been before, I know shocker right lol. I decided to have a peek at their menu online and was delighted to see they have the calorie / nutritional break down. I used to scoff at places when they did it but now I embrace it. I was shock a slice of cake was over 600 cals. I can really see how I ended up fat now lol. Also with thanks to the break down I can go out for a meal on my birthday and still have less than 800 cals in my day. Wool woop
I've also just realised I'm half way through my birthday challenge, four more weight ins to shed 10.6 lbs, fingers crossed my motivation kicks it's self back into gear. Looking for a big loss this week.
So happy I'm so close to the 14's. I'm like a child at Xmas hehe
Congrats on the loss this week!
B'day treat at Nandos sound great - that was my eatery of choice last time I did this if I had to go out for a meal - Coke zero and a 1/4 chicken - or one of there salads - mmmmmm!!

fingers cross for a great week ahead and catapulting you into the 14s!
Cheers cookie :)
I'm really chuffed with myself today, mostly because I'm so close to my mini goal lol.
And I'm glad I get approval for nandos :-D shall be epic. Their salads do sound nummy. It's really weird getting excited about salads now but in a good way lol
Good afternoon and congrats on the loss xx
Thank you :)
So happy. If I don't make it past the 15st mark this week it's all a joke haha Somehow I think I'll do it, 0.5lbs is possible lol

Have an awesome day
Absolutely you will do it! xx
Hope alls going well with you,
Thanks cookie :)
So far so good this week but my totm is making it a struggle lol. But on the bright side after yet another cheeky weigh in today I'm in the 14's woop woop B-) hopefully I won't be back in the 15's ever again!

Hope all's going well for you too.
Good morning and woohoo at being in the 14s already. Isn't this diet fab! A massive well done xx
Thanks giggles :)
I know! This diet is awesome, I really can't believe in eight weeks I've gone from the 17's to the 14's. It's amazing :). Now I just need to get to the 12's by Xmas hehe. Fingers crossed and all that jazz.
That is an amazing achievement!!
At this rate you will be in the 12s before you know it!

have a great weekend,
Thanks cookie and biffa to babe :)
Here's hoping I get there just as quick.
Best of luck to you on Monday biffa to babe. You'll do great.
Good afternoon, hope your weekend is a good one! xx
Hi giggles I had a fab lazy weekend :) Although I did do a major bad thing... Stuffed my face with pink n whites oops. I blame my totm, major munchies. But at least it didn't effect my weigh in today too much. 2.8 lbs lighter woop woop.
Which is awesome because I only have to lose 7.8lbs in my birthday challenge, with 3 more weigh ins I should succeed. Excited :)

Happy losing folks
Good morning and well done on the 2.8lbs weight loss.

Ahhh I love pink and whites, especially when you get a packet where they've over sprinkled the sugar and it's sort of crystallized :drool::sigh::D

Have a fab day xx
Mmmm you'll have me dreaming about them through work now lol. I have a feeling they will be my vice during this diet hehe