Sunday....perhaps time for a new diary?

Hey Linz, how have u been ? I notice that in about 10lbs you are at you half way mark! Awesome work babes! Xxx

Yeah... I was til I put some back on & don't want to move that ticker back!! :cry:

Giving a presentation this afternoon, a little nervous. Haven't presented to colleagues for a while? Still got a couple of things to organise before I talk at 3pm. Wish me luck.


Good luck babes. xx

Oh and I don't know about everybody else, but I have been really struggling to remember to drink water! Some days I have only been drinking a pint!

I don't think I drank any yesterday!! :eek:
But i did have copious amounts of Pimms but I'm not sure that counts! xx
Pimms... No definiately not water hun! Xx

well 1.5ltrs of water today and 3 green teas. I've cut back my coffees to, only had 2 in the past 3 days.
Well I'm hoping to do the same again during the day. And whatever I drink during my PT session tonight xx
Soo knacked and have only managed 750ml by the end of the day. Off to my PT session now, so hopefully will drink the other half of my water bottle.

Also have to show her everything that I have eaten for the week!?!? Oh oh
Gym last night. Tonight I'm too tired, but tomorrow I'm walking with a friend after work, then a PT session on Friday.

Water excellent today, 1.5ltrs and 2 g/teas. Only half a coffee, so that's 3.5 cups of coffee in 5 days. Food wise I'm 85% out of 100%

Alex and Linz hope your both doing well.

Going to do WWs now. I've been eating too much each day, but I'm enjoying eating any food I like again. So it's stick to 19pts each day for a week. I really want to get somewhere this time. Let's face it I know it works just got to stick to my points. That has been easier said then done, usually..... however, I am feeling determined!

Roll on my losses!

Bren x
Going to do WWs now. I've been eating too much each day, but I'm enjoying eating any food I like again. So it's stick to 19pts each day for a week. I really want to get somewhere this time. Let's face it I know it works just got to stick to my points. That has been easier said then done, usually..... however, I am feeling determined!

Roll on my losses!

Bren x
Hi Bren,
I'm home. just on my work lunch at the moment - I will send you a private message tonight on here - have things to tell you! Ax
Hi Bren.

Good luck with WW but is 19 points your correct points? Just saying because of your height I'd have thought you'd be more.
Well now I am very intrigued?!? I'm off to bed, back online in 10 hours.
Using this (please don't take it personally if I judged your age wrong, put you in the between 21-35 bracket)

Female = Score 3
Male = Score 9

Are you a breastfeeding mother?
No = Score 0
Yes, breastfeeding exclusively = Score 10
Yes, supplementing breastfeeding with solid foods = Score 5

How old are you?
16 - 20 = Score 5
21 - 35 = Score 4
36 - 50 = Score 3
51 - 65 = Score 2
Over 65 = Score 1

How many stones do you weigh?
Ignore the lb, the number of stones is your score for this question. Someone who weights 12st 4lb will score 12

How tall are you?
Under 5ft 4ins = Score 1
5ft 4ins or above = Score 2

In your day to day life are you:
Sitting down most of the time = Score 0
Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing = Score 2
Walking most of the time = Score 4
Doing physically hard work most of the time = Score 6

I had you as 21 points a day, using the last bit about physical work as 0 (just as a base, if it is more = more points! :D)

I'm just saying because it is better using the correct points than not and depriving yourself. If the 21 is correct (the points I am on coincidently) those 2 extra points could make a huge difference in how you get through the day.

Not trying to over-step my mark or that but just thought I should mention it :)
Hi Bren,
Private message just fired off to you.
Weight this morning after a week away; from 173.2 up to 176. so gone up nearly 3lbs! but thats a week of eating what i wanted so i cant moan.
joined the gym tonight; didn't do the gym but i did do 80 (albeit short) lengths in the pool.

friday tomorrow so I'm guessing it will be cake day at work; I will try to make the best choice possible! lol

Al x
Alex, it's always morning tea on Fridays, I took my own today, yoghurt. Well done on joining the gym and the pool. I might give swimming another crack next year. Although I would like to build my jogging back up??

Puggso, you are never stepping on my feelings. I am suppose to be on 20pts as my job promotion this year sees me not on my feet as much. However, i am doing a Fast Start on 19pts as I cannot handle 18pts.

So far so good;
coffee 1.0
yoghurt 3.5
crackers (at morning tea with only 1 with dip) 1.0

and 600ml of water already and it's only 10.53am.

Very pleased with myself. Gym tonight will earn me some extra points. I have a PT session. And tomorrow hopefully another gym session, before hubby takes me out to make up for my lack of b'day last weekend.

Ah!!! There we go!

Good luck with the fast start :)
Thanks, not quite got there today. I'm allowed 20 normally. Was aiming for 19. I've done 20.5. Still pleased though. I bought a muffin this morning, broke a small little hang over bit from the top and after that small bit I thought... No don't do it! So I left the muffin. I bought it home for hubby. Very pleased with my will power.

Also hubby bought pizza for dinner. I ordered a marghiretta and had 2 small slices and a mini WW meal 3pts. Will power took over from eating the whole pizza. I'm chugged. Long may this continue.

Oh and PT session cancelled, my trainer is ill.

one thing ive got to get back on track with is my water intake. at lunch at work again so will update you will more tomorrow. i may start telling you my daily food if thats ok. may help me stay on track if i have to admit how much i'm eating
weighed in today 174.4 which means I've lost 1.6lb in two days. didn't do any exercise yesterday!!!!! was going to ride or go to the gym but neither happened. ate quick a bit of stodge yesterday.
will try and make heathier choices from today. wish me luck!
Alex, good luck but you know you can do this. Your body will soon loose those London lbs.

I gained 1lb this week! Not too bothered though. I've had a lovely dinner out all within points:
Porridge (2.5)
Fruit toast (3)
Wine (3)
Dinner (12)
coffee (1)

so 21.5 instead of 20 or my 19 (fast start). Not a good water day. Only 1 ltr.
todays exercise:
1 hour riding
12 mins on treadmill (100 cals)
10 mins on cross trainer (50cals)
35 mins swimming (80 lengths small pool)

Food = bad!

got the exercise sussed, just the food intake to sort out now