Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

well done lynnt
I have decided to change to a saturday weigh in as that suits me better. Hope I am still welcome though :) I will be away for quite a few weekends and wont be able to weigh on the Sunday morning.

Anyway I have lost 3lb this week so that is fantastic!!

Well done, 3lb is a good week, now I have to catch up with you, will check out the saturday thread next week.
Well done lynnt. That's great ! What a fantastic week. Roll on next week. Hope it's as good :D
Hello to the Sunday crew! Some kind soul sent me a nice message about this thread, but I don't know who and it reminded me that having started the thread I abandoned it a few weeks later :eek: :eek: - oh the shame!

My progress stalled some while back and I became disheartened and then life got in the way of following the plan. My weight has slowly crept up by 7 pounds from my lowest, so I am going to have to search for my mojo and get back on track before I undo all the good I did.

Hopefully, someone out there can help me find the mojo, I've looked behind the sofa and on top of the wardrobe, but it's not there, I suspect it's one of those "look deep inside yourself" situations - d'oh!! :rotflmao:

Anyway, good luck to all of you and I'll report back on Sunday!
Welcome back OzzieMoz - there's a good group of regulars here so we look forward to seeing you here on Sunday. Good luck and glad you've decided to give it another go.

Gail x
Thankyou for the welcome back - it's good to be home :D

This is my last go at this, if I can't keep at it this time, then I might have to go to the dark side and try WW, purely because there are meetings here for that which might scare me into staying on track. Actually the mere thought of having to go to meetings might be enough incentive to stick with SW this time :rotflmao:

I've been good as gold today mainly because I haven't stopped long enough to eat anything much, in fact I've probably not eaten enough but I'll worry about that later. I'm off to put my feet up for a few minutes before I go cook dinner.
I don't find SW at all difficult to stick to as having done SW for a while a number of years back I more or less stuck to that way of eating for years. It was just since I emigrated to Australia and my husband did all the cooking and buying takeaways that weight started creeping on very slowly but surely. I'm a lose a pound a week sort of person generally and the weight came off in the same way it went on, ie very slowly but it was still coming off and then it just stalled. I tried red days, green days, EE, all sorts but I just kept staying the same or up a pound then down the pound then up then down ad nauseam :rotflmao: It was that that made me downhearted and a bit disillusioned. I'm hoping though that having had a break where I only loosely followed the plan, that now that I'm back on it full time that the weight will start to come off. I don't mind how long it takes as long as I see a little progress each month.

Anyway, enough of my wibblings, I'm inclined to witter on .... time to get my daughter ready for school. Only 3 weeks til the summer holidays!

Hope everyone is having a good week :)
:sign0144: Hi all, I'm a sunday weigher too, I've been back on SW since 24.10.10 and I've only lost 5lb so far.
I've been doing it at home as I can't afford the classes at the mo.
I did mainly EE to start with but I've found my weight loss slowed after the first week, think it's cos it's very similar to how I eat anyway but I'm mixing it up a bit at the minute to see if that helps.
I've also had the past few days off and I thnk I needed it for my sanity as I'm now back on with a vengence.
So hope to see you all here on sunday and fingers crossed I'll have lost.
Ozziemoz - you have the advantage of summertime! :character00238: All those lovely fresh salads that don't seem so satisfying now in the frozen north. Your timing is perfect and I think you will do really well this time.


Five pounds in 3 weeks is not to be sneezed at. Well done!! :party0011:
Hey Sunday weighers!!! Hoping your week is going superbly well. I'm not having such a great week, but I have another couple of days, so tomorrow am going to drink loads of water, eat really good food, and try to move a bit more. I really really really want to lose 1.5 lbs on Sunday to take me to a 40 lb loss - it's psychological, I just want to get into a new number!!

Hope everyone is having a good week - am thinking of making a syn-free soup to ward off the munchies/urge for comfort food on Saturday?!

((((((((((group hugs))))))))))
Blimey Honey :eek: I could have written your post. After a good loss last week, I woke up really bloated on Monday. Have been 100% all week, but I just feel really chubby.

Already got my soup made and bought a load of superspeedy melons, grapefruit and lemons tonight. Lemons in hot water and quite good for flushing out the system.

Good luck with your loss this week :)
Welcome looneylamb. Good luck for this week.

Honey and Silly Sausage - hope you can find your 'mojo' for the rest of the week !

Looking forward to celebrating losses/commiserating and supporting anyone who gains and finding out how everyone has done.

My lessons for the week:

1. Go to bed earlier (nothing to do with weight loss but would help my mood I think !)
2. Drink more - it seemed to help last week. Not been quite as good this week
3. Stop weighing in the evening (as well as the morning). It's so variable that there's a danger it will put me off my stride and either stop me eating what I can have within plan or make me think 'stuff it' !

Good luck everyone. See you on Sunday (if not before !).

Gail x
Blimey Honey :eek: I could have written your post. After a good loss last week, I woke up really bloated on Monday. Have been 100% all week, but I just feel really chubby.

Already got my soup made and bought a load of superspeedy melons, grapefruit and lemons tonight. Lemons in hot water and quite good for flushing out the system.

Good luck with your loss this week :)

Hey Silly Sausage!

That's so weird, we are pretty similar - I have been okay all week, but I feel fat!!! You know, like I've put on weight rather than lost it. Oh well, the thing to do is to post here and to keep on with the programme...:) I guess that's the thing, not to let our emotions get in the way but stick to what we know works. I've been drinking loads of water again today, and I DO feel better. I'm sure that you'll have another good Sunday with all that soup and superfree foods!

My lessons for the week:

1. Go to bed earlier (nothing to do with weight loss but would help my mood I think !)
2. Drink more - it seemed to help last week. Not been quite as good this week
3. Stop weighing in the evening (as well as the morning). It's so variable that there's a danger it will put me off my stride and either stop me eating what I can have within plan or make me think 'stuff it' !

Good luck everyone. See you on Sunday (if not before !).

Gail, these are such good reminders! Lots of sleep, water and not over-weighing. I try not to sneak peek, it's a bit misleading for me, but I hopped on the scales on Wednesday (well, thudded on!), and I think I've lost at least a pound, but on the other hand, that could just be fluctuation. Gah!! It works for me to work first thing on a Sunday morning and leave it at that.

More water definitely - I drink sparkling water with some sugar-free squash. Is that within the 'rules'? I find plain water so difficult to drink; my plan is to try and alternate between the two, and drink more and more plain water.

Ho hum, here's to Sunday, my lovelies!!
Well I've been good as gold the last few days, only problem I realised when I got up this morning is that because it was an unexpected return to the fold in the middle of this week, I didn't actually weigh myself. This is a pain because somehow I'll probably miss out on that first week big loss because after 3 or 4 days who knows if I have or not :rotflmao: silly me! I'm just going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and start from there.

Feeling very saintly at the moment, so I better go polish that halo and check on my quorn sausages which are under the grill as I type ;) :D
I have been good all week so far, and need to lose 0.9kgs for my next award...but...

Today it's ny daughter's 21st and we are off to an all you can eat buffet, and have a lovely Thorntons chcoclate birthday cake to take with us!

I have never used a weekly syn allowance, but this week I have tried to keep them down a bit, and have only used 42 (ish - yesterday I was out for lunch and not 100% about what was in what I had, but I did make good choices and avoided the tiramisu and cheesecake!)

I know I have the syns to use today, but I will be disappointed if having that extra on the day before weigh-in is going to undo the good work I have done so far, even if only temporarily!

Here's hopng I stay strong in the face of unlimited food!!
Good luck Sparky. Try to go to the vegetable/salad (if there is one) bit first (fill your plate up there, then add the other stuff rather than the other way round) even if it means having to go back round the line. And remember that (whatever you think about the weigh in) it is not a race. You have done BRILLIANTLY so far. So whatever happens, back to plan tomorrow.

Oh, and drink PLENTY of water. I find it really helps.

Good luck. See you tomorrow........!

Gail x
Enjoy your evening out Sparky - be as good as you feel like being. Remember that SW isn't going anywhere so even if you are a little bit naughty, you can come straight back to it tomorrow. However, your daughter only has one 21st birthday and you don't want to spend the evening agonising about syns, and speaking as a mother, it's a special evening for you too!

I've been saintly so far today - just got to be good with my dinner and then it's weigh-in in the morning!