Sunshine's Trip To Pre Baby Weight (start Thurs 13th oct, p 91)

Oohhhh I've got new Salter scales (I always use Salter as they're fab). Mine were so old and of course broken... I now have new slim black glass ones.... very nice. My last ones saw me through my fat days so these ones can see me through my slim ones :)

Been out and done my 810 shop..... kind of strange taking a lot of the foods away again but I'm feeling motivated and excited to be taking control again.

I am dealing with those closest to me now telling me not to lose more when I know I still have a bit to go yet! Funny even tho i was prepared to hear this it still set me off balance. It makes you feel comfortable but I'll know when to stop.

What a beautiful sunny day xxx
( oh and so far so good on 810, 2 porridges down and placed my CD order for the next 2 weeks... god it's costing me so much money)
Am glad that you're feeling more in control. It's frustrating when people feel the need to let you know when you should stop!

You've managed to get yourself this far, so I'm sure you know when you're ready to stop. You look fantastic, but reaching our own personal goals is so much more satisfying! Well done hunnie, you still inspire me :)
Hey hon...
Hope you are feeling better today and not so tired.........
Its funny you should say you have gone back down to 810 as today I decided to cut down too.. I loved being on 1000 but like you say I felt a little out of control on it..
I am just stepping down before my holiday...
You sound a lot happier today hon which is good.......
Hope you had a good day..
Chin up your doing great xx
Maybe I'll feel different in a couple of weeks but I relly dont think I could ever go back to 810 or SS+, Im liking that on the 1000 plan the focus shifts more from meal replacements to conventional food + Im running out of pennies! thinkk its Cal counting for me once Ive gone up the steps.

good luck sunshine- you're looking fab!!
hey hunny, just popping to say 'hi' and good luck with going back to 810, it can be hard to hear the comments from people change from wow to hmm, you know what is right for you though so trust yourself!

Hi everyone :) thanks for all your posts.

Angela, when I first started 1000, I loved it so much I said i'd never go back to 810. I loved the fruit the most after 10 weeks without as a fruitaholic :) 1000 has suited me this last few weeks and I do love it but I feel it would be a better plan for me once I'm at my goal weight for 2 weeks and then I'll work up the other 2 higher plans.

I've enjoyed 810 today and yeah I have to do without pasta, rice, eggs and toast but I'd rather lose the weight right now and know that those foods will still be there in a few weeks. I'm not making plans, I'll see how I do and as I said if i'm feeling unwell again....I'll rethink. However I am smaller now and shouldn't need as much food as I did before so fingers crossed my body wil get a big boost and I'll get to goal.

I picked my goal weight from knowing how I was last time I was at that weight :) Oh and Laura... i meant to say I wouldn't touch 1200 yet as I've been advised the losses are very slow.....

Curly... how funny you're dropping down for a bit too. We just change so much on CD and have to do what suits at the time.

Good day altho 3 hours of booking flights wasn't so much fun. I'm out of the country so much from Sept 10th it's not funny. Good to get it done tho. Just need to arrange all my work around them now.

Feeeling very tired and need to catch up with my water. Still have my yogurt to have but feel great about 810 (for now hehehehehe)
Chicken dinner was only okay... out tastes change so much on cd.. this was the dinner i lived on for 10 weeks pretty much!

Hope you're all okay xxx
Good for you Sunshine and I admire your determination to get to your goal.

My weight losses actually increased when I moved up the plan which I guess makes me a bit of an oddity. I think Serena and Greeneyes ha the same thing though. I guess I'll have to see how I go.

Yeah Laura, the same happened to me when I first moved up to 1000, dropped weight after being stuck for ages but I've consistantly gone up and down since. It's my own fault. I'm just not in control at the moment and I'm really annoyed with myself and feel like I keep failing.
I weighed myself today and got a serious shock :( According to my ticker I've put on 5.5lbs but since the day I went to France it's 4lbs. I have to take in that I'm due on any second, i was off plan a bit and I have a new scales (but i doubt they're wrong). I needed to weigh myself to get real. This was my fear of 1000 and why I wasn't ready to come off 810 last time. However I came off it due to being so sick . I feel like i'm on the end of a damn yoyo! The problem with 1000 is that you get so much choice you feel like you can bend the rules and you can't plus its all recipies which I hate following.

Anyway no excuses I'm back on 810 because I was out of control and now I'm paying for it as I never wanted to go back a step.
So with my new goal and the fact that you can lose 10-12lbs a month, I'm looking to lose 10lbs this next 4 weeks or I'll have trouble with my dress fitting as it's a whole month before the wedding.

Apart from all that have a great day everyone. I'm teaching today. I think i'll be back to having very early nights on 810.

In fact I'm right back to where I was when I started this diary needing to lose 8lbs to get to my original goal plus 2lbs extra for my new goal. Well that was a waste of a summer! This weight better come off now. I'm sticking ridgidly now to 810. Even won't be going out for dinner and am being strict with myself. This is all very worrying.
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Hey hon..
Hope you have caught up with some sleep..
You have had a lot going on over the last month or so hon so dont beat yourself up about it..
You will have that 8 to 10 lbs of in know time hon......
Keep your chin up and keep smiling xxx
Thanks Curly,

I have had an awful lot going on but that's life. There's always gonna be something and I can't keep using my troubles as an excuse because then food is still controling me. :(

Thank you tho. I am listening :) and I suppose it's good I've stopped, re-assessed and am moving forward again.

I'll come see how your doing in a bit, need to fly off and get sorted for teaching. I'll be back tho. Hope you're feeling lots better hun. Sending hugs xxx
Sunshine you're such a little inspiration in here I hope you know that. You're life often seems like mine, so many things going on, but you have decided to plough through and make sure that nothing stops you now and that you get to your goal no matter what, and I think that is a great mind plan to have!
Keep going hun, you will get there!
Good luck going back to 810, I tried sooo hard to ss+ last week and then 810 this week, but it just isn't working for me, I need the extra fruit to be able to get through my work days and with my little boy too. It's fine on those days when I'm not working, when we're playing together or out and about and I can plan really well etc, but when I'm working my day goes a bit mad!
I didn't realise you were struggling so much with 1000. You will have the weight off in no time and look stunning in the dress. Be good to yourself okay? You stopped the rot before things got totally out of control and you were back in your pre CD clothes.

I can see why the weight is the most important thing for you right now and fitting the dress. Somehow I bet it's going to be too big for you :) You can tackle the demons of 1000 and the choices after the wedding and when you have reached that number.

It's good to see how we all have different priorities isn't it? I really need to get back into training so am keen to get onto 1000 and will let the remaining pounds come off as they do.
Sunshine you're such a little inspiration in here I hope you know that. You're life often seems like mine, so many things going on, but you have decided to plough through and make sure that nothing stops you now and that you get to your goal no matter what, and I think that is a great mind plan to have!
Keep going hun, you will get there!

Good luck going back to 810, I tried sooo hard to ss+ last week and then 810 this week, but it just isn't working for me, I need the extra fruit to be able to get through my work days and with my little boy too. It's fine on those days when I'm not working, when we're playing together or out and about and I can plan really well etc, but when I'm working my day goes a bit mad!
Awwwwwwwww that's so lovely of you! I am going to plod on and get to that flipping goal. I really want to acheive it. You will too :) I suppose we just have to keep focused. About to start teaching but I'll pop over later (to your don't worry I'm not gonna be knocking at your front door). Thanks hun x
I didn't realise you were struggling so much with 1000. You will have the weight off in no time and look stunning in the dress. Be good to yourself okay? You stopped the rot before things got totally out of control and you were back in your pre CD clothes.

I can see why the weight is the most important thing for you right now and fitting the dress. Somehow I bet it's going to be too big for you :) You can tackle the demons of 1000 and the choices after the wedding and when you have reached that number.

It's good to see how we all have different priorities isn't it? I really need to get back into training so am keen to get onto 1000 and will let the remaining pounds come off as they do.

Ah.... don't get me wrong I love 1000. I just had lost my way a bit.

The only reason the dress fitting is so important to me is that it's the only one I'm getting and so I want to have lost all the weight and then after the fitting be maintaining. If I lose more after the last fitting, the dress will be too big for the Wedding.

I seriously thought I'd have been at goal ages ago and now I only have the month Time flies :) That's why the numbers are important to me. I also have SO much on in Sept- Dec I'd wanted to be maintaining throughout that time but I can't turn the clocks back. I'll do my best now and stay on plan. 810 dinners I find very boring but if it's boring that gets me to goal then boring it is :)

Thanks hun, you're fab xxx
You know what you are doing. I just can't work it out. Is the plan to stay on 810 till the dress fitting and then move up? You'll have the glycogen refill etc so just thinking if the dress is quite tight fitting, will any 'puffing out' cause a problem?

Sorry to hear about your weight gain Sunshine, this seems to be my problem at the moment (read my diary for details).... If you stick to 810 until your dress fitting, and then move up the plans will you not put on a little bit of weight before you stabilise.... would it be better perhaps to lose as much as you can in 2 weeks on 810 and then move up to 1000 for the next 2 weeks so that your weight has stabilised before the dress fitting... I can totally see where you are coming from though wanting to lose the weight quickly....
Hi Laura and Greeneyes,

LOL I'm causing confusion hehehehehe. I'll still have a month till the wedding so my weight should even out between dress fitting and wedding (I hope)... I'm just gonna take each week at a time for now and see how much I lose. So i'll decide what to do as I go along :). It's frustrating but I only have myself to blame really. I'm hoping it's a lot to do with totm and I'll lose the first lot really quick.

Right off to catch up with everyones diaries. (Should be doing paperwork :) ) Thanks so much xxx
Todays Foodie list:

CD porridge x3 (can't wait to get my new supplies tomorrow, back to a shake, bar and porridge every day)
Baked veg (broc, mushrooms, courgette) topped with cottage cheese & spices.
Tea & water

Day 2 on 810 and so far so good :) I was told I look younger with my dark hair by one of my 17 yr old students. That's a huge compliment from someone of that age...:)