Sunshine's Trip To Pre Baby Weight (start Thurs 13th oct, p 91)

The more the merrier.... you're inspiring me too Alex. I want to stay 100% at least for the next 11 days till the hen do and them I really don't want to go off plan but if i just stay 100% on 810 i could get to goal. I won't be weighing myself till nearer then as I don't want to know the damage from this weekend.

What another silly busy day today..... and tomorrow will be worse.

Ooohh seeing Ricky Gervais on Wednesday this week which will be a nice night off :)

Not had a good cd day today....naughty me!!!!! Boyfriend is going on some mad 4 day diet from tomorrow so I'll get on with CD. I know why i went of track today and it's due to not drinking water. Barely stopped all day but i can't glug water while I;m out and about and teaching. Gonna have to get back to drinking loads first thing so i have a head start. Annoyed with myself as 810 is costinga fortune and i'm ruining all my good work.

Okay Sunshine is back on track tomorrow and will start off by glugging loads of water first thing.

Good luck and good night x
Foodie list:

CD porridge, tea having now
Chicken breast for work - cooking now
CD soup Tomato
CD soup Chicken and mushroom

I am going to be 100% today and I'm going to enjoy it and stop looking at it as a chore.

Laters xxx
FFBT - I know EXACTLY how you feel. I am one of those people who struggles. If I have one treat then it seems ok, but if it's a day off then it turns into two days and then I realllly have to reign myself back in. Take the funeral on Friday, they had some (I won't mention and food names) 'food' there and I was starving after the service etc, thought I would have been ok with diet coke and something on plan, but those bits had gone first while we were chatting, so I was left with things that weren't 'on plan', which then turned into eating out Saturday, and then yesterday too...not good.

So this IS it, no more days off. I have one evening for the hen night in late November, but no days off/weekends off - no treats, no nothing now until goal time/wedding.

I'm not sure what plan you are on hun, but happy to keep nagging behind you and spur each other on too, as I think we have roughly the same amount left to lose too.

Let's reallllly go for it.


Thanx soooo much alexmummy :) nice to know im not alone with these problems and please dont hesitate to give me a right kick when required ... keep nagging, it works for me.

Im on 810 too and plan to stay on it till i get to goal. Didnt notice, but yes your right... we've both got the same to lose now.... You wanna race??? Just for motivation, nothin competative ;)

Your such an inspiration and have done so well and come so far... lets finish this off together and give it our all. Im with you babes.... Lets make it happen!!

Have a fab day
FFBT, sorry you slid off track, so easy to do... so hard to get back! You'll be OK now you are focused & ready to stay 100%. I think 100% has to be the way to go, you do see some people taking days off but often those people vanish pretty fast - we wanna get to goal, & 100% has to be worth it if it means getting there!!!


Thanks katycakes... Its so hard to get back on track and focused again, but im in the right frame of mind now... and this time plan to keep it that way.
Hey Sunshine, howz it goin buddy?
Im doin fine and really just wanna get to goal more then ever. Need a winter coat soon and am determined to get it in a size 10... Its funny how silly things keep us motivated... i dont care, it works for me. lol.

Hope you have a 100% day.
Sunshine your foodie list sounds yummy today :)
Although I know your day is busy, I hope you have some chance for a break too! Here's to a 100% day for you and to seeing it as a good happy positive thing :)
Ricky Gervais will be good - definitely a nice night out, time to relax and enjoy some light hearted comedy.

FFBT - my stats on the side are slightly out as I haven't updated those ones since my birthday (too gutting to maybe :-S) so I have about 15lbs to go and hoping they disappear very quickly! I know 100% is the only way. I am not going to over push myself with 810 as I've come back down from around 1200 and then 1000, but I am definitely aiming for 2 weeks of 100% 810 and then will assess the results from there, and decide how to go from that point (as sometimes my losses stall too, so I have to see what I need to balance it out and get the best weight loss) but what I do know as I say, is that I have to stick to whichever plan I choose 100% with no picking, no treats, and definitely no days off. Typically I'm coming right up to the most stressful time with a big exam coming up which will decide if I pass or fail the course I have been doing this year, and whether I can continue my degree (mature student...well ish lol 23)

But I am determined, I swore blind I would get to goal this year (even if I change it after I have gotten to my original goal that's ok, I just have to hit my first goal this year)

Have a brilliant day ladies xx
Gosh I'm tired today. I'd be fine usually as I'd be finished work by now but gotta do another hour from 7pm.

I really didn't enjoy the chicken breast at work... I only ate half of it. I've ordered shakes so i can take them to work next week as they'll keep me going. Also had a yoghurt at work and 2 coffees to keep me going. Had another CD porridge just now and I'll chose a soup later. Food demons are screaming at me but I'm ignoring them. Still haven't managed much water (this is pretty unusual for me but hey ho :) )

Glad to see everyone is doing well and keeping on track. Sorry i;'m not sounding cheerful......just tired but hey I'm on track and that's what counts :)


ps...may munch on celery later lol
Hey sunshine, considering how much you are doing, I'm not surprised you are tired hun! ((((Hugs)))) You are doing an amazing job staying on track, and believe it or not you are one of the people I am looking to who is keeping me on track too.
Day 2 is always harder than day 1 (100% wise) and I've been having a peek throughout the day at messages here and there and you really do inspire me! Hope you manage to get an early night when you're finished and get some rest.
I'm not surprised on the water front either, but keep sipping away where you can as it really will help with the weight loss and also to keep you bright eyed too. xx
Thanks hun :) Just had my tomato cd soup and then nibbled on celery lol....

Thankfully I have a light day tomorrow only teaching from 9-2 30 and 4-5 before meeting some friends and going off to Rikki Gervais. Gonna wear a casual above the knee length dress, long cardi and flat boots to work which will be fine for going out too (well that's the plan anyway).

Alexmummy, you're doing SO well hun.... keep up the good work. are you doing? xxx

Gonna be in bed very soon, think housework can be done tomorrow...need to sleep :)

Nite xxx
Hurray I managed a 100% day yesterday and doing well today. Only have soups left now which isn't so good. Haven't ordered any bars for this next week as i think they bring on cravings which i really don't need right now.

Work is mad as usual and I'm still tired after my early night. Just had coffee to wake me up a bit! :)

Determined today to stay on track. My dress people just called to say my dress is ready for me...all fitted and altered so I'll have to go try that on Friday morning. OOhhh must book my spray tan in x
Hi Ladies

How are you both doing today?

Sunshine how was Ricky Gervais? Really good I hope? The outfit sounds wonderful too!
I've just eaten my last bar :S - have been trying to get into contact with CDC for a couple of days now to no avail, so I think I am going to have to call a new one :( Such bad bad timing for me, really don't want to have to go through new paperwork, meeting new person etc all now, as I'm happy where I have been, but to stay on 810 I have no choice really- just very nervous, and really I have no time to go and meet another one too, as I am studying for this exam in less than 2 weeks :0 (and catching up a lot in that time too!)

Anyway, I will have to try, as I really want to keep on 810, not ready for calorie counting yet, desperate to shift the next 13lbs at least.

Hope you are having good days ladies xx
7 days till I go to Dublin for my sisters hen so I'm starting a countdown and Fattyfattybumtum is joining me. Having spoken to my cdc today...I've written a new set of goals down to motivate me to get to goal. I have never in my dieting life acheived my goal and this time I want to do it. I want to at least get into the 8's (stones) and my sisters wedding is in 3 weeks so this is very do-able.

So come on US we can do this xxx

ps....Hey Alexmummy, hope you're doing well hun x
You sound so motivated! I want some of that...:)

I'm finding it hard enough to maintain let alone lose weight at the moment. That's it - you've inspired me and I'm going to stick to plan as of now!
Yep....... we can do this. Look how far we've come, so we get a bit stuck sometimes and now we need to carry on and achieve our goals.

New goals, new motivation and a fresh positive vive. Let's tell ourselves that we ARE going to get to goal and lets stop sabotaging ourselves when we're so close.

First lie in for months...bliss and i hope to get early nights too. Gonna drink loads of water this week and start up my mint tea again to keep me going.

Hopefully FFBT will be along soon :) As she says... it's not forever.

I have a 7 day countdown on my fridge door with 8's all over it as i really want to be s 8 stone something asap.

Busy day but not working...just loads to do. x
Day1 it is then.... new fresh challenge... all excited... gonna try comin on here loads. Im gonna aim for 4 ltrs of water today, lets see how i do. Really fed up of yoyoing and wanna get to goal asap now. Plus soon need to get that winter coat and want a nice slim fitted one.. somethin that shows off the new me and not used to hide the layers and wobbly bits.
Lets make it happen sunshine. Will keep reporting throughout the day.

Hugs. xxx
ps: love the new happy pic :)
Morning hun,

Yeah I'm feeling positive and sunny. Even changed my ticker to a happy green grass butterfly one to brighten me up :) Might add some new goals to my sig too. I've been faffing on here for ages.....when i should be out and about this side of an eye apt but i'll probably have a busy afternoon now instead.

New fresh we come xxx have a fab day and i'll be on too x
Loving the new pic Sunshine... hope you and FFBT have a great day!

Thanks hun and you too. Hope you're feeling lots better. Have a great day lovely xxx
Well i'm off for my eye appointment, followed by try on of altered bridesmaid dress and shopping. Seriously I have so much to pay for right now and my money tree's are bare! I have a few more hen bits to get, i need a little black dress for the hen dinner and club, i'd love a new long jumper (not important tho) and I really need a coat as my good black one wraps round me twice lol! Then home to my otherhalf for a cosy night in together and an early night as it's badly needed.

I actually think I could shop till I dropped. I totally went off clothes shopping for about 2 years as nothing ever fitted me and it was just depressing. Now it's amazing trying everything on...all shiney and new's so hard not to buy it all lol!!!! Now I sound greedy. Ah well..... lose weight = new wardrobe!

Your diary is really inspiring Sunshine and I love the new atavar!
What a lovely place in Wales - where is it? Looks too nice to keep to yourself!

Not long now to the wedding, I'm sure you'll manage the 8's!!
Llangoed Hall in Brecon....... It's such a beautiful place but rooms are £225 - £400 a night!!!! We were guests there so very lucky.

Pretty tired today but on track. Think I have a little black dress for hen do....just need to try it with shoes and tights and make sure it works.

Need to get loads more water in me. better go glug. xxx