Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

i have wi tomorrow and i'm thinking of postponing it. just have gone up too much and feel ashamed. think it comes down to not feeling well and eating a bit more than i should followed by drinks this weekend. think i've been trying to knock myself out with drink otherwise i have an hours long coughin fit! just know if i put it off then it'll only get worse, mind last time i put it off i lost a bit of weight as i felt guilty at cancelling a weigh in!
Hi Nikki --

I'd postpone weigh in and go and see a doctor. You have been ill a few times this year. I am wondering if you have allergies, asthma or somesort of recurrent infection. This sounds pretty rough -- and I do not like the idea of your mixing so many different types of medication. I hope you are reading the labels carefully. Take Care.
Truthfully mel I'd be quite happy, in mid coughing fit, for someone to slit my throat it's that much of a butt pain! I've postponed the WI bit feel guilty as I've not tried as hard as I should do. Going to ss+ from Monday. Think the vits and mins might booster me up. Going to see someone on the 1st bout my throat but that's settled down.
P.S not even started training for 10k or half marathon yet and by now I'm usually in the 7 mile range!
Hi Nikki -- It's kind of difficult to train when you are so poorly. I hope you feel much better soon.

Oh Nikki I hope you feel better soon!! It's so naff being I'll.

My mum has been over this afternoon and she's just back from her holidays. She's going to be doing the k diet with me for a while she feels like she's in the zone, it ought to keep me focussed a bit more. I was thinking about going to SW but I can't wait to get the weight off SW is just far far too slow for me. So SSing is the way forward 10 weeks none stop!!!
Oh Nikki I hope you feel better soon!! It's so naff being I'll.

My mum has been over this afternoon and she's just back from her holidays. She's going to be doing the k diet with me for a while she feels like she's in the zone, it ought to keep me focussed a bit more. I was thinking about going to SW but I can't wait to get the weight off SW is just far far too slow for me. So SSing is the way forward 10 weeks none stop!!!
What's the rush sal? Your hoilday isn't till next year right ? X
No rush other than the fact that I hate being this weight and I want it gone ASAP.
how's it going surf. been ok. just ok. had 1st shake at 12, just had 2nd now 4pm so not too bad but i did have 4 slices of quorn and a scoup of cottage cheese.
In order to get my head back in gear I'm going to take Nikkis advice and plan ahead to get through these next few days..... So here goes:-

Choc bar


Choc shake
Bad, that's all I'm saying :( I am useless, can't get past 1 sodding day :cry: what the heck am I going to do? I can't keep on like this, I want the quick losses of CD and I can't lose weight on other diets. I wish I was stronger, my resolve and willpower are so weak right now. I hate that I've let myself get to this state, :( I need a big massive kick up the a$$ or my mouth sewing shut!!!

It's emotional eating, it's because my life is empty, I wake up go to work come home to empty house go to bed, repeat...... I can't commit properly to night classes, the gym or anything because of my shifts, theres all the sh!t going on at work where they're changing our working patterns but no one knows what it means or how it'll affect us. I'm finding it all a bit tough to deal with and stupid food is always there, jumping into my mouth, making me fat :cry: :cry:
start again tomorrow. i think you need to do zumba with pauline. you need something to look forward to! i love the feel good feeling you get with zumba! i think you need something to lift you up. what about swimming again at DL's? do it when you can and use your music device! just fit it in when you can. you can do this just focus. if you need to eat then eat protein, try to get yourself into ketosis the atkins way if you can cause once you are in K you will feel so much better and more motivated!
Thanks Nikki! Tomorrow night is my first Zumba with Pauline, really looking forward to it!! I figure so long as I'm being good most of the day and trying to stick with protein when I can't cope, it's better than pigging out totally. I need to restart 30 Day shred that'll help inch loss around my middle if nothing else.

This next bit is prob TMI but I've discovered why I've felt so tired and run down and wanting to eat my weight in food.... While I was I the shower just now dealing with my bikini line I discovered a boil (gross gross gross) at the top of my left groin. It hurts like hell now I've poked at it. I'll get one of the nurses to have a look at it tomorrow. It's most likely the result of my course of steroids, but the infection will be what's making me run down. Grrrrr :(

I'll let you know how Zumba goes, with Pauline and also my leg, I'm sure it'll be fab!!
You're going to love Zumba with Pauline. :)
edibeedee said:
Hang in there surf, you are right, it is so hard. One day at a time. Is there anyway you can find another job that is not so stressful and messed up. The stress is working hard on your bod. Sorry you are having a hard time. Wishing you the best and sending positive vibes your way.

Thanks Edi, I'm just so run down right now :( I need the nutrition from CD packs I think, that might help. As for getting another job I love my job it's just with how the health care service is run in the UK theyre having to make massive cut backs so our working patterns are changing and no-one knows what's happening, its all set to change on 31st October but no-one knows what we'll be changing to :eek:
great things said:
You're going to love Zumba with Pauline. :)

Hope so, I've just got no energy at all, hope that doesn't stop me. :)
struggling surf! :( not lost anything. only put on! very stressful!
Pic in my thread :(. I look pregnant!