Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Okay if my calculations are correct (and the probably aren't :() I'm 205lbs so I need to loose 6lbs to get back into the 100's.
Hey Surf, glad you stepped on those scales!! however i don't think scale-hopping is the answer either (remember me the serial scale hopper who could never EVER manage to get under 200lbs ?) Gave the scales to my mom, she lets me weigh one a week, it's been my salvation... yes i'm BARELY under 200 now, but tomorrow's official weigh-in might bring me some extra incentive... or not, who knows? what i know for sure is that i've been 100%. So yes, focus on getting under 200, when you get there, set your new goal... anyway i'm sure you know the drill!!

Good luck you!
Yup, we're old hands at this aren't we? 199 is my new goal, I'm not going to get back on the scales until next Sunday now (hopefully) and definitely not before Wednesday at the very earliest. I am glad I did it, it's given me perspective. I'm not as big as I thought I was but I'm not doing as well as I should be, so this is it!
Shanny's just reminded of a book I read by Shauna Reid, called The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. This woman is inspirational!! She started off at 25st and lost 12 and a half stone! I've just grabbed this book of the shelf again. The first time I read it I was just under 17st thinking I could never do what she's done! I'm going to read it now with fresh eyes, knowing that with CD I'll get there too.
Im going to start tonight i was in whsmith's for over an hour looking read and this one book stuck out at me.!!!

said yep got to buy this.. is it a good book Sal?? she look's really fit and slim in her after picture.!

whsmith's have some really good books out buy one get the other half price x
It's good I couldn't put it down the first time. She's just a normal person like us and her struggles are the same as what we've faced and do still face! I do think itll be different for me reading it again now I know I can do it. The first time it just made me feel even more hopeless, I felt like the world was pushing against me at that point, and I kept thinking it wasn't fair that she could do it and I couldn't. But I can and I have (am) so reading it again will be good for me!
I also find it tough cooking for just me, in the past I've cooked enough to feed a small army and then frozen the rest but then it never gets eaten and it's such a massive waste!

Hi SH -- Have you thought about "buddying up" with someone.

After I had my son, I decided to do WW to lose the weight. A couple of teachers I worked with joined with me and we chose a meeting that was late afternoon and we went together from work.
We decided to take turns making lunch for each other. So, every 3rd work day I made three of the same WW lunches and the other two days I had my lunch made by one of the other ladies. It was very helpful and we tried other WW meals. We all reached our goals.

You could pair up with someone who is also trying to eat healthily -- and cook for two and then meet once a week (maybe take turns hosting) and exchange frozen "left overs".

That will work great once I'm at the maintaining stage but at the moment I'm doing CD SS (minus a CDC lol) when I run out of my CD stock pile I'm getting Exante and Kee products to tide me over until I'm 13st 7lbs and can face my CDC again lol.

It's a brilliant idea that I'll remember when the time comes cos my friend is trying to shift her baby weight and is doing it the healthy eating way, and I'm sure she'll be up for continuing to eat that way afterwards!!
Hi Again Sal --

I just read through your past few weeks' diary postings and good on you for getting on those scales.

I made myself up mini-targets because I think breaking up the weight loss into smaller chunks makes it more bearable.

And, it is going much slower now -- as everything I have read said it would. But, it is going...

We can do this.

Mel, I found it really hard to accept that I wasn't going to have the massive losses I had first time round. I blamed everything under the sun, even asked my CDC if Cambridge had secretly changed. Now I know it's just that my metabolism is slower and leptin and ghrelin levels are different, I've accepted it a bit more. I know I could possibly lose 1lb - 2lbs a week on WW, SW or the like but the margin for error is just too huge for me.

So making small targets and accepting the small losses is the only way forward.
I've started to read sal I smiled when she said how she felt walking into her first weight watchers class. That's how I felt too, when I was my heaviest.

I'm a lil stuck from this week as yesterday I was in a bad frame of mind I cancelled my CDC said I'm not doing it anymore, she hasn't text me back ! So I know she's not best happy with me cancelling 'again' so stuck for supplies. May have to order more exante stuff for the next 2 weeks. I don't mind the thought of them yummy chunky bars make me smile loads lol . X
great things said:
best i've found surf....

YouTube - Fibo 2009 (III) OMG

Oh yes that's a good one, has to be really with Beto the Zumba God lol. Some of the moves we do to that song are in there :D

We do a nice "shake your ass" one to Shakira Objection. I love that but it's not very energetic.
i've found loads with him in. it's great. it's more of what we do. the energy etc.
Shanny there's another site too that do VLCD products if you google Kee Diet it'll bring it up. You need to be bait careful cos only the ones with Total in the name have absolutely no citric acid in. Some of the other stuff doesnt either but you have to look at the list of ingredients to check. I'm ordering some lemon bars next week and a few of the porridges.
*Shanny* said:
Crossed posts sal what cd have u had so far ?? X

Ha ha just had first one now. I've been drinking and reading back through an old thread from when I first started CD in 2008 and just realised at 3pm that I hadn't had anything so just had strawberry tetra.
great things said:
i've found loads with him in. it's great. it's more of what we do. the energy etc.

Beto is amazing!!! I saw an infomercial on zumba with him in it one morning about a year ago and I wanted to do it then but never thought it would make it to Teesside!! So glad it has :D