Susie's 2022 campaign

Actually Shelley can you do me a massive favour? My consultant had so many new members to weigh in that she didn't give me the pin for online - could you look up the syns for Heinz Farmers Market butternut squash and sweet potato soup, and Tesco Tuscan Bean soup please? My Tesco delivery has been delayed and all my lunchtime stuff is on it!

Sorry I didn't spot this last night
Heinz one - 10 syns per can (ouch!)
Tesco one - 12.5 per can (double ouch)

B - pink grapefruit segments - haven't had one for years and loved it - and a cup of tea
L - fritatta made with water and Frylight, and with spinach, courgette and dried basil - very nice, just had it cold at my desk
D - Am going to try the spag bol but use miracle noodles instead of pasta, and lots of S veg
S - apple, Liberte yog (1 1/2 syns)

No walking today, it's raining and cold - but Day 3 of no cigs :D

Food looks good & definitely use your Syns - when I started I was told to have 25 have dropped now and miss them!!

Well done on no cigs :clap:
well done susie your doing great and with the cigs to thats fab x x x
Thanks all :) You are a super lot! I may dribble on about it a fair bit - you know how easy it is to get excited about a new plan :)

Shelley thanks hun for those syn values - double ouch is right! :eek: I've now got a "keep clear" shelf in the pantry with these and other high syn things!

Change to dinner plans, ended having a very nice bowl of pasta with spinach, sugar snap peas and squash mashed with quark mixed in (to the squash) for a sauce, plus herb infusions and dried basil. Got enough for lunch tomorrow too :).

Just did a mahoosive Sainsburys shop for Thursday - and bought a compact George Foreman grill which was on sale - never used one before but the reviews are great. I also get the Joe's Sausages delivery tomorrow - the syn calculator doesn't have them by name so I'll syn it as reduced fat for 1 1/2 each. Shame really, as they used to be free - but a few bangers won't dent the syn bank too much!

Feeling very good about it all - the one fly in the ointment is the *&£@# at work who is building up to being an arse again. It's obvious I'm never going to please the guy so it's definitely time to look for something else. I think because I'm feeling so good about getting healthy that I feel confident enough to look for something else.

You sound like you're properly on track and focused, which is awesome sauce!

That's the thing about confidence, the minute you have it in one part of your life, you have it everywhere! Time to jump ship if you're not happy I reckon.
That's so true about the confidence thing Stackie!

I've emailed a few agencies and set up email alerts from job websites, so hopefully some good opportunities will come in soon. Bad Work Man has scheduled a performance review for the beginning of Feb - and I just know he will use it to tear me to shreds - so I'd love to be gone by then!

Menu for today -

B - HEXB 2 pieces of WW Danish toast plus a sliced tomato and black pepper; tea, coffee with HEXA milk
L - pasta from last night - so S foods are spinach, sugar snap peas and squash, definitely 50% worth
D - shepherd's pie with lots of chopped tomato, spinach (I love the stuff, can you tell? :)) and cauli mash
S - grapefruit, gala apples

Have a lovely day all!
Your meals sound yummy hun, you reminded me I meant to get some grapefruits last night but forgot xxx
Jules I am loving the red grapefruit! They are quite sweet and really refreshing.

I've also just added passion fruit to my big shopping order - which is going to feature as breakfast with fat free greek yogurt yummmmmmm :D

Had lunch and I am full to the gills. I also did a naughty sneaky WI this morning and was a bit shocked at what appeared to be a huge overnight loss - but boy what a boost! :D
Loving cooking proper meals without salt and rubbish ingredients. I was quite peckish when I got in so in a change to the menu, I've just had three Joe's Sausages (low fat pork and apple - 4 1/2 syns) with the pasta, spinach, sugar snap peas and squash mash that I left from lunch - and it was scrummy!

And got tomorrow night's bolognese on the stove - although it may be one of my regular kitchen fails, it was pork mince and I think I've overdone the Lea and Perrins - but not to fear, I'm setting up a chicken, swede, carrot and cabbage slow casserole in the slow cooker before I leave in the morning - so will be covered either way :D

Mmmm might have some frozen yogurt later. Have I mentioned I :heartpump: the Waitrose light chocolate one? It is so delish!

Oh speaking of which - how do you SW ladies get on with trying to turn Muller Lights into frozen yogurt? I remember whacking a pot in the freezer and it was horrible, all icy. Any thoughts?
Oh speaking of which - how do you SW ladies get on with trying to turn Muller Lights into frozen yogurt? I remember whacking a pot in the freezer and it was horrible, all icy. Any thoughts?
Completely agree. I'd heard people raving about them "like ice cream" "no need to stir them, just freeze them!". I have NO IDEA what sort of ice cream they'd been eating before,but frozen Mullers do not do it!! Ooh...and I've ordered some Joe's stuff too - thanks for the recommendation. I ran a sample of the products through the official syn calculator and they came out as Free on EE, so they sounded worth a punt!
I ran a sample of the products through the official syn calculator and they came out as Free on EE...!

Are you kidding me - free?!!!! :banana dancer::wee::bunnydance::party0011:Oh Theria, you have made my day!!! :) How did you work that out so I can tell the consultant, because I put in sausages into the syns thing online and it came back with reduced fat sossies, 1 1/2 syns each.

I love you. Seriously.

Shelley I'll give the minty one a go on the weekend and report back :)
Are you kidding me - free?!!!! :banana dancer::wee::bunnydance::party0011:Oh Theria, you have made my day!!! :) How did you work that out so I can tell the consultant, because I put in sausages into the syns thing online and it came back with reduced fat sossies, 1 1/2 syns each.

I love you. Seriously.

Shelley I'll give the minty one a go on the weekend and report back :)

If you put the full nutrition value for the sausages in, they come up as being free (I calculated them before, myself!)
Fabulous Jamesie, I love you too :D

All of which is extremely fortunate because I did receive quite a big order of them today lol - plus patties, sausage meat and kebabs - which are fab to cut into chunks and roll into meatballs :)

I think I need another freezer for all the cooking that's going to go on here!
Are you kidding me - free?!!!! :banana dancer::wee::bunnydance::party0011:Oh Theria, you have made my day!!! :) How did you work that out so I can tell the consultant, because I put in sausages into the syns thing online and it came back with reduced fat sossies, 1 1/2 syns each. I love you. Seriously. Shelley I'll give the minty one a go on the weekend and report back :)

I just put the nutritional values on the Joe's site through the calculator on the web site. With each one, I used the EE setting and used the main ingredient (pork, beef or chicken) as the Free food allowance. Then just entered the protein, fat and carb values for a few samples and every single one I did came out as Free food per 100g on EE. Every item has very similar ratios of protein:fat:carbs so I'm pretty happy to go with they're all Free. I think that's what Joe's would say. If they could. ?
I'm very tempted to order some now - free sausages :eat:
I've heard lots of great stuff about them! My order arrives on Tuesday, so you can assume there'll be a review very shortly afterwards :)
Yes it does seem a shame that SW management have changed their approach about this - as the email from Joe's intimated, it must be about money. They are more than happy to keep plugging Muller Lights (which might be fat free but are also full of sugar) and so on.

I can't wait to try the pork and apple grill sticks as balls in a lovely thick stock with cabbage mmmm. They also do low fat bacon and it looks beautiful - will try it on the weekend when I have my full English :D
Hey Susie, I finally found your diary (I didn't know your name was Susie ).

I keep debating coming back to SW. I think I might do 12 weeks vlcd and then make the swap. I really didn't like the meetings though! Far too happy clappy for me, I'm a miserable sod and I'm staying that way lol