Suze's Diary - Daily Weigher

Hey girls what's the calorie and carb content of the ultra slim bars? Are the meal replacements?

Also is alpro soya light similar in carb n cal content to skimmed milk?

Hi Lara!
The bars are a meal replacement. The raspberry ones have 215 cals, 25g total carbs and the chocolate ones have 220 cals and 22g total carbs. Higher than the s&s bars but i like them a lot more, especially the raspberry one!
I have tried the chocolate one and it was 'ok'. I find the lemon and choc truffa bars from S&S much nicer personally. Just wish they were bigger :)
Hey thanks that's really good to know - especially when forget to bring a bar as there's always a tesco not too far now a days!! I'm still getting through the 50 banana bars I bought from slim n save which were 50p each! Xx
Ha ha! I bought a load of the banana bars too! I loved them at the start but completely gone off them now and still got a lot left lol.
I like the others just not big enough esp as i split em. 1/2 bar is like a banana bar. As i have 3packs i dont mind the extra cals. So in total i have bout 520cals a day including the soya milk n bout 52g of carbs. Alpro soya light has 22cals n 0.1g of carbs per 100ml. So carbs much lower n cals r a bit lower too. Your not supposed to have milk but as it helps me hundreds i stick with the alpro.
Stuck to it 100% yest n have lost 2.3lbs not as good as phoenix's overnight drop :) but still happy with progress.

Restart weight
Tues: 15st 4.5lbs
Wed: 15st 2.2lbs
Banana was my favourite at the start but I've gone off them a bit now too. :). Just glad I didn't buy 50 when I was tempted to when they were on offer!
Hehe I am still ok with the banana ones but don't have them all the time just when I'm out and need food (or our equivalent)

That's great to kno about the soya I'll def get that as have used skimmed milk most the way through so far - I find a milky tea keeps me happy when I think I need to eat!! And well done on your loss :)
I can't believe you have 11lbs to go Lara, you look fabulous in your avatar.
Argh... Cheated, well not majorly, i had a turkey breast (lowest cal meat i could find) n some salad. Not overly worried as only had the half bar n shake n not having the 2nd half. Might do that the odd night in dec, esp,when im battling the non ketosis hunger!!,figure when im back into ketosis i might find it easier sticking to it x
It's not a 'proper' cheat Suze ;). Definitely a 'considered off plan moment' than a 'hit the cupboard and binge on carbs moment'. :)
BordersGirl said:
I can't believe you have 11lbs to go Lara, you look fabulous in your avatar.

Thanks so much :) I am weighing in tomorrow for the official week7 weigh in but this morning was 4.5 pound down since last Thursday so that would mean only 6.5 to go! Can't quite believe it! I might lower the goalpost but will see how I feel when I get there! All of you on here are amazingly helpful n inspirational x
Suze012 said:
Argh... Cheated, well not majorly, i had a turkey breast (lowest cal meat i could find) n some salad. Not overly worried as only had the half bar n shake n not having the 2nd half. Might do that the odd night in dec, esp,when im battling the non ketosis hunger!!,figure when im back into ketosis i might find it easier sticking to it x

Wouldn't worry about that it's gonna be a negligible physical effect so make sure the mental effect matches!

Ketosis is the best thing I've ever experienced in terms if dieting! Bring it on!!x
Oh it was defo planned lol went to morrisons just to get the things. I dont imagine it will do alot esp as my body is recovering from weekend excesses... Ok i know its wed lol
Nearly back in the 14s Suze, keep going!!
Fingers crossed im in the 14's tomoz. Just had turkey again..(thats me used what i bought yesterday lol) checked this morn n not in ketosis yet. I doubt the plain turkey, lettuce n cucumber is stopping it?? Ive been using 'my fitness pal' to record everything and it tells u your cals, protein, carbs etc that u have consumed in the day n my carbs were 20g less than a normal day n bout 600cals So i guess in a way im doing a similar diet to exante working solutions but less cals. As our vlcd is bout 150 less anyway. Our diet doesnt really have a plan like that does it? X
Have to admit that I went off plan tonight and had some prawns and some S&S cooked veggies (and a handful of cherry tomatoes). I think the rest of the year might be a bit like that to be honest as I'm finding it hard now. Still, better that I resist the chocs and cakes at work and have a low cal / low carb option when I get home than enter the carb fest.

I'm pretty sure everything I had only came to about 600 cals or so and I feel satisfyingly full, like I've eaten a normal sized meal :)