T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

I don't really use the little handle bit; being left handed, I have it kind of back to front!

2lbs off; not bad, but was hoping for a bit more. Hopefully will show next week.

I'm left handed too :) was a bit awkward though :)

Well done!
2 lbs is good......slow and steady wins the race! :)
I know, I know... just a bit frustrating after a really good week. Bring on the delayed onset weight loss next Thursday!

Yay Friday! Yay payday! (not that it actually means I'll have money)

B - blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and banana with fat free natural yogurt. Plum

L - jacket potato with cottage cheese. Edamame, cress and sugar snap salad.

D - TBC.

S - sugar snaps, cherry tomates and carrot sticks with beetroot hummus. Tangerine, plum, pear.
Oh hey weekend! Hurrah! Well, after a stressful afternoon and a dying bus, I feel that gin is much needed. To ensure I don't consume an entitle bottle, I have gone the gin in a can route (M&S, diet version, don't you know) x2 (5 syns)

Had my HEXB of toast with HEXA of LC light blue cheese triangles.

D - tandoori yogurt marinated cod loin with roast veg.

Dessert is going to be quark with options (2) and PB2 (2.5)

Total syns for the day: 9.5
Sounds like the G&T is deserved! Enjoy!:D.....especially as you chose the SW friendly option :D:innocent0002:
Could do with a drink myself-had not good day too....but weigh in looms, and don't want to add insult to injury:D
Great body conditioning class and got some additional body magic in as well! I'd forgotten my keys and my OH was doing the laundry, so had to walk a bit further and collect his keys on my way home.

B - had blackberries, strawberries and banana before I went to class.

Brunch - planning on heading out for a walk, so wanted to have something a bit more substantial. Odd mix, but it will keep me going! Made up some instant mash and made it into potato cakes with egg, sweetcorn, spring onions a LC light cheddar triangle (1.5) and some parmesan (1). Served with fried tomatoes.

I may include the LC in my HEXA if I'm short on syns later. We're out for leaving drinks tonight, but I think I'll just stick to diet coke

And will be snacking on lots of fruit, because I've stocked up now!
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Well... just got back from my walk. I was out for over 5 hours and must have walked over 10 miles with the meandering around! Tan well and truly topped up!

Had 2 x Alpen lights as my HEXB and a packet of crisps (3.5)

D - pasta bake with HEXA of cheese.

Alpro (5.5)

Total syns for the day: 11.5

I think I'll just stick to diet coke tonight, because one won't be enough if I do drink!
It actually wasn't too difficult, have to peel it and have a good flat edge to work from.

So, I've decied dinner is going to be a variation of these: Spiralized Sandwich Bun with Avocado-Goat Cheese Spread | Inspiralized
The bun will be made from sweet potato and swede and I'm going to make the salmon burgers to go inside (0.5 for the curry paste)

Had a clementine and a plum, will head off to the gym in a bit, but going to do a bit of clothes sorting first. Then I'll probably have my HEXB wrap with HEXA of cheese and veggie bacon with burger relish (1) and a packet of crisps (3.5)

Quark for pudding tonight with Options (2) and PB2 (2.5)

Syns for the day: 9.5
Why oh why does the weekend have to be over so quickly?

Feel really tired this morning; didn't have the best nights sleep. But I shall plough on!

B - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and banana with fat free yogurt.

L - pasta bake (HEXA cheese) with micro-herb salad. Free cherry yogurt. Fruit.

D - oven roast fish.

S - sugar snaps, baby carrots and tomatoes with beetroot hummus. Fruit. Alpen light bars x 2 (HEXB)

Will work syns in later.
Fabulous pilates class again last night! I really am feeling so much better for it. I'm having tonight off, but will be back in the gym tomorrow.

B - blueberries, banana, raspberries and strawberries with fat free natural yogurt.

L - egg, kidney bean and smoked salmon salad. Fruit.


S - carrots, sugar snaps and tomatoes with garlic and pepper hummus. Fruit.

Will work out the rest as we go along. Lunch should have included a yogurt... but I seem to have forgotten it!