Take 100 (Sander's new diary)

Thanks for the info PJ! The Dukan people do like to change things up - but that is good news for me - I can make Borscht and omit the potatoes and it will be scrumptious!
Congrats on your first class! Next you'll be joining the exercise challenge thread, I hope :)

I'd say schedule a session with the therapist and see how it goes. If it works well, it's probably easier to find another water exercise class than a good therapist!

I think beetroot falls in the same category as carrot. OK in moderation on PV.
Careful with hotdogs /sausages etc because of the filler they probably use.

I'm really enjoying following your thread.
Collapsed veins, now that really is a wake-up call if you needed one. When I discovered I had the early stages of heart failure 18 months ago that was the kick-up-the-bum I needed to start Dukan and stick to it. And guess what, the symptoms seem to be diminishing. You can do this Sander and you owe it to your family as well as yourself to make sure you do x
Yes, I'm getting lots of wake up calls. For a while I thought I could just be a healthy fat person, but I guess I don't have the genetics for it. Today I am sick, bleh, throwing up, nose running, head aching, pooh!! After throwing up all my protein and getting the dry heaves I am sitting here sipping on some chicken noodle soup with a cup of tea. Hoping that does it magic. I know it not Dukan, but when I got sick before on Dukan this pulled me out of it without much damage. There are only 8 grams of carbs per serving of chicken noodle soup, so I'll just pretend I'm on Atkins today...
pretending did not work - off the rails and into the weeds. Still feeling sick and miserable. Got a letter today in the mail offering help and support on this anniversary of putting my mom on hospice - thanks for the reminder.... Work is not happy, considering a couple of job offers, but know that's not going to be the solution.... Called friends and remaining family, no one is home... Well, there is nothing left to eat in the house now that isn't Dukan....
Come on Sander you can do this xx Food isn't what you need right now, certainly not non Dukan food! Maybe have an early night (or nap) I have no idea of what the time is where you are! xx
Course you can do it, sander. Anyway, you're posting before doing the damage, so you obviously don't want to go off the rails. And if you do cave in and eat something bad, just chalk it up to feeling sick and start a new day tomorrow. Soup seems the way to go, though.

We're in this with you Cxx
Sander, sorry you're feeling unwell I hope the chicken soup helped. Your diary has an impressive level of honesty and self awareness, you come across as a strong individual who is more than capable of losing the weight and your family are clearly very supportive of you. Be kind to yourself while you are poorly, and when you feel better you will be able to give dukan 100%.
Made it through yesterday and had a loss this morning. But here is my confession of what I actually ate while in the weeds :)

Chicken noodle soup
1 Peach
2 handfuls of cashews
Dried banana chips, pineapple pieces, mango chunks, cranberries, raisins, yogurt chips (raided the baking cupboard)
Cherry tomatoes
Snap peas
1 stale cookie found in the back of the cupboard
Tomato soup

I feel much better today, so I hope it was just a 24 hour stomach flu that was making my insides so unhappy.
Hey in the big picture that food intake doesn't look that bad ....with a loss also xxx result xxx Keep strong xxx
I'm glad you are feeling better hun xx

(so jealous of your cashews lol ... I miss nuts
;) )
You could have done much worse while in the weeds. You could have gone out and bought a whole cake and ate it yourself. But you didn't. You were feeling bad. Not necessarily an excuse, but you owned up to it. You are SO strong.

On another note, I got pulled over by a police office at 2 in the morning once because I was feeling sad and decided to buy an entire cake to eat. He joked about me eating it all and I joked back. So...moral of the story: you didn't go overboard.
Well done for limiting the damage, sander. That's a pretty healthy looking detour, to be honest, and I'm sure it won't have much impact. Hope you're feeling better Cxx
PJ - a whole cake - why were you so sad? Yesterday I had a decent Dukan day, but ended the day with 2 glasses of Pinot Grigio - I don't regret it :) Got up this morning to another 1/2 lb loss, so each day is whittling away.

yesterday was a PV day:
B: Gallette
L: Steak salad (delish) Sliced filet mignon, romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, jicama with a vinaigrette and ranch dressing mixture
D: Chicken vegetable stew + 2 glasses of wine

Today is a PP day I had two dry fried eggs and 2 slices of low sodium ham. Very tasty. Having a whole chicken for dinner. I will add on some yogurt and oat bran for a snack and perhaps some cottage cheese if especially hungry.
I'm not sure why I was so sad, but it was probably because my husband had moved ahead of me to his job in DC and I was finishing up my degree in Iowa to then move out here with him - I found that food made me feel less bad and cake especially made me feel good because it reminded me of family parties and celebrations. I didn't eat it all at once, but I probably ate it in two sittings.

Steak salad sounds amazing!
:break_diet:Did not stick to plan - ate pizza instead of chicken - sigh.... then had a cookie - sigh....

Did not sleep all night worried about my trip to the doctor this morning - then got there and found that my appt. had been moved to tomorrow- WHAT! So another day of worry and temptation to face before I find out what the next step is... Hopefully all my worries are for naught
Good luck at doctors tomorrow, sander. Hope all goes well Cx
Waiting for test results - Had an endometrial biopsy. Really, really hurt - I have no pain tolerance. Started the process and I was whimpering and biting my finger and I thought it's ok I can make it through this - then when it went on to taking the sample I screamed my fool head off. Tears were streaming down my face and I almost passed out. Still hurting today. Rewarding myself with a brownie at the hospital cafeteria - I hurt too bad to deny myself and I needed to calm the &*^ down.

Today I will be OK foodwise I believe, the pain isn't extreme, just annoying and weakening feeling. Had a gallette for breakfast and I am having a chicken salad for lunch. I am staying PV for a few days - the PP days are really not working for me right now.