Tano is back...

I'm excited ... :) :) changes will soon be happening eh?
Tano how u feeling? Have u had a sneak peek at the scales? X
Going well!!! I did actually which I never do because I don't own any but weighed tonight at my mums and it said 10stone 1and a half! So one and a half down in two days, plus it was evening tonight and at cd's I weigh in the morning!!! :)
I'd LOVE to be but not getting my hopes up! My aim is -3lb this week to take me to 10 stone. If it's more, bonus lol xxx
Nope :( going to try and ring her tomorrow! It's annoying when you're so motivated to start but can't yet! Only thing I'm worrying about too is I'm going to warehouse project on 14th October, then my friends are coming up for a night out the weekend after and then I've got WHP again on 12th nov. Hopefully I can have these planned breaks and get back on the day after x
Felix said:
Nope :( going to try and ring her tomorrow! It's annoying when you're so motivated to start but can't yet! Only thing I'm worrying about too is I'm going to warehouse project on 14th October, then my friends are coming up for a night out the weekend after and then I've got WHP again on 12th nov. Hopefully I can have these planned breaks and get back on the day after x

I'm out next weekend, going to Essex with the girls and I don't care. Don't even think about it as failing or cheating. We're human and cannot expect our social lives to be completely on hold for our weight! One night won't hurt. I'll be drinking sat night, having a protein meal before I go then bck on it Sunday. I'll struggle but I'll do it. I did last time and still lost every week!!! X
Going to bed! Soooo tired, can't even stay awake for TOWIE!!! My stomachs rumbling and I'm effing starving today hsha!! Excited about my shake n coffee in the morning ;) xx
I think as long as I get back on afterwards I'll be fine. Had these nights planned for a long time so I'm going to enjoy myself! x
Felix said:
I think as long as I get back on afterwards I'll be fine. Had these nights planned for a long time so I'm going to enjoy myself! x

Definitely!!! I'm a pain with a hangover and just wanna eat crap all day after drinking but I'll have a chicken salad at the ready so I don't do it!!

I'm a miserable cow today!!! Poor OH
Morning girlies I'm sat on my bed drinking my first shake so hungry couldn't wait till 7:30 lol.

Hope you get through felix :)
Tano you full of energy today hon? X
Morning Tano!

Those pictures are ace - how foxy are you now? Talk about flat stomach! Oddly the first picture is about 5lb heavier than I am now...so now I remember what it actually does to lose this next stone - so thanks for that! It makes all the difference!
Claireanddanielson said:
Clearlywrote in wrongdiary

Noooo it is me, I've just gone back on Cambridge diet as I just kept cheating on WW!!! How u doing hun? Xx