tazbabe's show and tell

Hope you're getting a break tonight Marty pet. :)
had another nice evening, my neighbour came over and we sat in front of the fire and chillaxed.

ah well, that's the festive season over, today, back to work, back to atkins, onwards and upwards!

wonder what the year will bring? our life has changed forever with FIL being unwell, his recovery or not will dictate what happens. feeling more positive than a week ago :)
went to get a bar of (85%) chocolate out the kitchen drawer last night....a mouse had got to it first, cheek! it had only been in there a few days.
i suppose i could take it as ahint i've not to have it..........

traps will be set today, heads will roll!!!!
Bloomin' mice! We got the electronic plug in sonar things & haven't seen sight nor sound of the little blighters since then!!

Have a good day miss. x
Never heard of those Linzi. Sound less trouble than a cat!

Any mouse cheeky enough to scoff the choc stores deserves all he gets though!
it's safe now......inside me! (minus the nibbled bits)
traps are set.....put all the packeted goods in the cupboards into containers

first mouse we've had in this year. must've snuck in while i was away, the dogs where with me.
the chickens also catch mice, mind you, don't fancy the mess a chicken in the kitchen would make....
Oh Marty, how awful lovey. Keeping everything crossed for you both. :(
Morning Marty, not good love. Any news?
morning, thanks for your support, it's very kind of you all!

bad news i'm afraid. treatment has been withdrawn from yesterday, it's just a matter of time now.
steve had an accident on the m40 last night. someone over the drink drive limit wiped him sideways across the motorway. he's ok, got a terrible fright, car is a mess.
he was left at the services with a broken car, no money, and no means of getting it sorted. he's ok now, got back to his mum's eventually, their now on their way to the hospital, many hours later than they wanted.

yesterday was a bad day.
Oh Marty, gosh what an awful day for you all! But thank goodness Steve is OK.

Really sorry to hear about his dad, how is your MIL coping?

Big hugs hun xxxx
Oh thats awful. Im so sorry :( and poor steve - cant believe things like this happen at once :( big hugs to you both. thinking of you xxxx
it's just incredible how sometimes life kicks you hard when your down, isn't it?

MIL is being quite amazing, i just wish i was nearer to hand for her, she needs lots more hugs.

i should really get to sleep now, its my nights week, sleep just seems far away! speak later, thank you for your hugs and kindness, it really means a lot to me xx