tazbabe's show and tell

Wasn't there a baby supposedly mauled by a fox last summer?
Yes Jim, twin babies, in Hackney

The urban foxes are getting worse and worse, they have no fear of humans at all and just hang around like hoodies.
Ewww why????

I know there is a lot of divided opinion about them - but not when you live with the downside every day :( I'm scared to go outside at night sometimes - in my own garden.
Why does she try and eat it? Cos she's a cross lab and will eat anything she's not supposed to lol. The litter tray was the worst when we had a kitten. It was a race to see who could get there first. I did say she's disgusting.
dogs love fox poo. especially rolling in it. I think its so they can mask their smell for hunting also why my girls roll in bird poo so obviously the birds think oh its not a dog doesnt smell like one its just a bird!
Oh yes, Labrador's will eat anything, I know! :sigh:
and dachshunds! poo - the lot!
We're very rural & don't have an issue with foxes, have seen one a couple of times in the garden but I guess as they have thousands of acres on the forest they tend to stay there. x
oooh, we're talking poo again! :) our belgian shepherd loves chicken poo, especially when its frozen hmm.

the collie dog was only a few feet away from where the fox was this morning, they didn't see each other! i saw it from the bedroom window, banged hard and it ran away, only to come up the other side of the field......i went downstairs and took a pot at it with the air rifle, taking care to miss the ponies :)
first time i've seen one so close, though i can hear them at night, i must admit i thought the fact that sally collie is mostly outside all day would be a deterrent, obviously not!
omg you are amazing! like indiana jones. p.s. im a teeny tiny bit scared ;)
hee hee hee hee LOL love it. p.s. im cancelling birmingham im errrrr errrrr {quivering in her boots } busy???
woop yey good thinking Linzi :)
well, 2 of my girls are missing, a pile of feathers in the field.
but i caught a mouse.

hmm, one mouse does not = 2 laying hens!!!!



in fighting mood now. anyone need a favour?