tazbabe's show and tell

Evening M&S :D
got a lovely day planned.....some snoozing this morning (after nightshift) then a mammogram this afternoon - there is no end to the fun things one get invited to do after one turns a certain age!! :eek:
LOL, Morning guys :)
I like the app on iphone as it's quicker than on lappy.
I had a mammo in January Marty. If it's your first don't believe the scare stories, it's fairly quick and painless.
Hope it goes OK Marty, sure it will - hated having mine but probably because they decided to invite several students in to watch :eek:
Hi M&S

M - hope it was swift and done with:)
S - yes app cool but missing some key things - eg a like button for Jims posts :D
Anything that supresses the like button is good :( :sigh:
Morning folks:D

Like the robot joke ;)
well, as you said, mammo over in a jiffy. nay bovver!

we went ot the local cattle show yesterday, love the atmosphere! then home to re arrange the living room so that 3 people can comfortably watch tv or chat, instead of 2.
then dinner...late again!
today, off to ayr to the boot sale/market, walk the dogs on the beach then home to put up new shelves... then off to deliver a trailer load of manure in exchange for a trailer load of logs (also did this fri eve)
work tomorrow, be less hectic!
Didn't do the market coz of the rain. Instead of that we have been doing jobs in the house, such as locks on the door to keep my mother in......
where are the days disapearing to? if they keep going at this rate i'm going to be 70 soon!!!!
ah well, monday is here again, work for 2, off for 3, work for 2, so not a bad week.
still 'mucking around' with that 3lb. what is it with my body? only thing i can think is that i am sorking so hard i'm building muscle, certainly i'm getting a bit more streamlined, thank goodness something good is hapening!
Morning Marty

Glad you're feeling differences in your shape, even though the scales aren't moving, happens like that at times :)
Morning guys, sorking Marty?