Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Good luck - I'd come and do it with you if I wasn't going away - sounds like a fun evening!
Very strong Taz, go the grapes!

Yeah, stay busy and have some water with, gum and the grapes!

Gum has come in handy lately, I'd forgotten about it for a few months!
Bummer, it's been a life saver in the past week.

I must go and have a closer look at SW we dont have it in OZ.
It's not cus of SW that I can't have gum, I can't have it cus I have a dysfunction in my jaw joint and cant have gum, toffee or anything else that requires lots of chewing!
I only use gum to freshen smelly breath, otherwise it can make me want to eat things, those tasty extras...mmm...
Ohh Taz, sorry I seem to have lost your diary but WELL BLOOMING DONE on 3lbs off! Have fun tonight xxx
Morning all! Well last night was really good fun and I will definately be doing that again! As you know, I went with good intentions and I'm sure you wont be surprised to hear that I didn't exactly stick to them!

OMG I have never had so much food shoved in my face! We got there and there were cakes, sweets, biscuits, drinks. Someone put a large bag of sweets on our desk. I covered the bag with paperwork and got my grapes out to distract me. Then there were the Red Bull girls, bringing round a ready supply of full fat RB to keep us going. I had 3! Then came plates of cakes and trays of huge muffins - I resisted them all! Then the massive boxes full of crisps came round. They were only small bags so I had one. Then the pizza arrived, and the platters from Subway! My 2 weaknesses! I had a small slice of a healthy Sub then about half hour later someone came round with my favourite pizza so I gave in to a slice.

I thought I did really well considering what was on offer. It was a great night and most my Syns were in Red Bull! In total our call centre took £91k, I took £835 on my line.
Well done on last night Taz.
I no how hard it can be at least you havent totally blown it. I no i find it so hard when im out and not knowing what i can or cant have!
I could kill my partner Steve got me a massive Wisper easter egg and come with 3 wispers. He sat there tempting me and i said no so i was pleased. Dont no how long the will power will last!
Way to go for not caving....wow it sounds weird all that food floating around...are we really that food oriented? Must be...hmmm...
yay, well done on doing your bit for comic relief. We raised money at school on friday for CR, so I felt like Ive done my bit too. how did you find out about getting involved like that? x
yay, well done on doing your bit for comic relief. We raised money at school on friday for CR, so I felt like Ive done my bit too. how did you find out about getting involved like that? x

Thats a very good question.. how did u get involved? Like you rainbow we raised money at our school too. But if i could volunteer for the call centres next year i'd defo do it! x
My friends daughter is a manager at the RAC and she asked my friend to help out on the phones so she roped me in too! They also do Sport Relief and Children in need so I have volunteered for those too!
Not a lot really, I went to Wales yesterday to see my nephews so that was a very long day and I'd only had 4 hours sleep. I felt really hungover yesterday morning, I think it was all the red bull cus I certainly haven't had any alcohol! So today I feel totally knackered and have done nothing all day! I also have a bad leg today, I was sat in a funny position on the train yesterday and now the top of my left leg feels tight. Grrrrrrr