Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Hey hun. Glad you had a good weekend & I hope your leg is better today. x
Thanks Jools, yes it is a bit better today. Got 2 hours training tonight so I will see how it feels after that!
Hope your feeling better today xx
My leg is feeling much better but if it plays up I will just stop training. I think it's just where I was sat on it for over 2 hours in the same position on an uncomfortable seat!
Well I was knackered for most of it! The lack of sleep and excess caffeine on Friday night meant I was very tired all weekend! I seem to have made a full recovery now though and back in to the routine. I managed all my training tonight and my leg seems to be fine
Yeah, I'm off to the gym this morning. Scales this morning are showing a 1lb gain so I hope I can get that gone by tomorrow
I'm sure you will Taz. Perhaps do light training and take it easy on the leg. I'm in the same boat with my knee.

My knees are usually my problem but they are behaving lately! I think whatever was tight in my leg was loosened last night as it seems to be fine this morning!

Hi Taz - Don't work too hard at the gym x​
Good news.

Mine is starting to tell me something, keeps reminding me it's there!! My own fault as I've been training at the gym almost everyday. I've missed 3 days in the past 17 days. Although tonight I am going to do legs so they better behave and I promise to take it easy on them!

Well i'm off to the gym. Enjoy your day Taz.

Just been to the gym...now knackered...hope the leg stays well, my calves really played up last week, extreme pain where the two muscles meet especially upon waking in the morning, it is almost gone now though and I think it was down to me having to change my running shoes, oops!

The weather is great, enjoy everyone!
Glad you're leg is better. Enjoy the gym. x
The weather is nice today, it's been quite warm! I had a great gym session and felt really revitalised after
Hmmmm WI this morning and my scales are telling me it might be STS today. Not really happy with that but Friday night did kinda hammer my Syns. I was really hoping for a loss 2 weeks in a row and this weekend I have to go out for dinner twice so I don't have much hope of a loss next week either :(
Good luck for the weigh in Taz - you might be pleasantly surprised but don't worry either way - sts is ok x

Nex - Calf problems could be a build up of lactic acid - try massaging up towards the knee area - theres a lymph node there - better still, if you can lie down on your tummy with leg at right angles from knee get someone else to very firmly massage down towards knee along the calf muscle - it should relieve it x
You may be pleasently surprised Taz, keep positive!