Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Thanks gemma, I'm really pleased with that as AF could have gained me a few! I now have to just lose 4lb over the next 3 weeks to be on track
OK, that's better than gaining Taz.
Hiya Taz!!! Well done on staying the same....I've spent ages going over your dairy...well you have been a busy girl!!! I've finally found the will power to get this weight off!
Well done on the STS. x :)
Yay, well done taz, you can just work on your 4lbs now, which i am sure you will achieve on target x
I haven't seen you for ages T4A! Where have you been? good to see you x

Good to see you too and I've been very much AWOL from any kind of eating plan/normal life but I'm back and ready to give things a go again. Surely sometime is the right time and hopefully that time is now.
Well Done huni!
Thats all good heres to the next 3 weeks! x
Hiya Taz!!! Well done on staying the same....I've spent ages going over your dairy...well you have been a busy girl!!! I've finally found the will power to get this weight off!
Yay for willpower! Good to see you again, are you back on SW?
Good to see you too and I've been very much AWOL from any kind of eating plan/normal life but I'm back and ready to give things a go again. Surely sometime is the right time and hopefully that time is now.
No time like the present eh?!
well done taz :D :D a sts on totm week is a mega achievement :D

abz xx
Yeah I thought so ;) Now I ONLY have the 4lb to shift and not a gain to add to that so here's to next week, I'd like to get 1.5lb off next week to put me on the right path.
Ok, so I was at training tonight and we are learning our new kata in quick-smart time ready for our pre-grading in 12 weeks. Then the girl I train with drops the bomb that she'd read on her card that our Black belt grading is in September not November! We went for clarification and she was right! Arrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh