Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Thanks! I was thinking that after the stone for the pre-grading I would have 5 months to lose the stone for the black belt grading but I only have 3 months for that one as well!
Wow Taz. You're gonna be super fit, super slim & super dangerous very, very soon! You can do it. x x
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Thanks, just freaking out a little!

Dont panic. Learn your katas and everything will be fine. Nothing to worry about. xx
Dont panic. Learn your katas and everything will be fine. Nothing to worry about. xx
Well we managed to learn our new kata in full tonight and managed to do it start to finish on our own but whether we will remember it again next week is another matter! But we KNOW it now so we have 12 weeks to commit it to memory and perfect it!
Come on gal - we can do it! We want about the same gone by same kinda time! Lets do this :)
honey. just concentrate on one day at a time and let the weight take care of itself. your fitness is fantastic. the weight will come off!! you can do it!!

abz xx
Morning all,

Looks like I'm the first this morning. Wet, windy and miserable here in Birmingham.
You sure are Jim, it's not looking too nice here either!

I am still getting used to the fact I have 2 months less to prepare for my black belt. We were sweating and hot and sticky after 20 minutes last night, our pre-grading is on a Saturday afternoon in June! Oh it's going to be torture! We were hatching plans last night that involved cool bags with ice packs in!
Whoo, that's not very long to prepare for that Taz, and it'll be even warmer in June.
Are you doing any flexibility routines Taz?
Yes taz, when I was doing Judo as a kid we used to have a set of stretching and bending routines we had to do 3 times a day. Can't remember what exactly now.
I can remember doing that as well taz, I wonder if we had to do them as we were very young? I started doing Judo when I went to boarding school aged 7.
Ah well, it was a long time ago Taz.:D
Im tired at the thought of all that lol

You will be fine... they wouldnt let you go for it if wasnt ready!!
