Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Sounds like sabotage to me Taz, pure and simple.
Hmmm, I'm always suspicious of people who bring food and stuff when they KNOW you are dieting Taz.
She is a bitter and competitive person Jim, she is the sort to stop people getting ahead of her
Is she dieting as well then Taz?
Well, no! She often mantions her size/weight but she is always buying chocolate and sweets and has things like croissants for breakfast on a regular basis. She is only a size 14 so she's not huge but she often says she wants to lose weight
well, just ignore her then Taz, and don't encourage her to bring stuff. :D
That's the best approach Taz. Where is everyone this morning? I suppose abz is on late's or something.
hey lady, long time no see! just catching up on some diarys, naughty friend and as you say you'll have to start putting your foot down. Can you put it to her that she's really not helping and then tell her ways she could help, i.e be a walking partner kinda thing x
Nah, she's quite a vindictive person and I think she's doing it on purpose. I will just have to stay one step ahead of her and if she brings me stuff I will just put it in the cupboard and tell her I'll have it later. then give it to someone else!

How are you hun? haven't seen you round for ages!
Im a ok thanks, have started a new diary on LL section, come in and pop in on me at some point lol. xxx
I will do that hun!

I have a lump in my throat. My tonsills look ok so it must be a swollen gland. I am a bit run down at the mo and last week I had a huge ulcer in my mouth and now this! I'm sure it will go soon but it's painful :(
i can empathise on the tonsils honey!! i'm having the same problem today!! you've infected me!! :p

abz xx
Good luck for weigh in tomorrow. x x
Good Luck for this morning Taz xx
Well I'm not going to make it to WI this morning, I am in quite a bit of pain with this lump in my throat and my mouth is so dry that I have to keep glugging water to keep hydrated but it's painful to swallow it! Grrrr. I will try to get an appointment with my doctor this morning. I was hoping to go to the gym and for a swim this morning but I don't think that's on the cards now :(

My scales tell me I have gained 3lb this week which I am not pleased about. I will HAVE to shift that this week.