Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Then come to Bristol!

Right definately moving to bristol then.......if thats what Taz demands :p

I will definately pop down this year though....... i really do love the place :D
Well I have had quite a busy day today. I went for a late breakfast with friends then went to do some shopping. We then popped over to my parents house as they are away at the moment and my dad wanted me to record some thing for him! So the we came home and I put some over cleaner into the oven which had to be left for an hour. I then had to clean our Saniflo which requires the system to be turned off for 2 hours which wouldn't be too bad except our entire drainage system depends on it! So while we couldn't use anything that required drainage we decided to wash both cars. Once that was done it was time to clean out the oven which I had to use a bucket for as I couldn't use the sink! So then when that was done I cleaned down the surfaces in the kitchen then waited til it was time to turn the Saniflo back on again. When it was time to do that I then cleaned the toilet and the kitchen sink. Now I am taking a break!
Not really - on either counts! I have a lot of de-cluttering to do but I am having a mini party here in 2 weeks so I want to get some order going on here sooner rather than later as it will be easier to keep it sparkly than to have a last minute rush to tidy it all!
i have boxes of things like that all over my house tazzi!!

sounds like you had a good day being industrious taz :) what are your plans for today?

abz xx
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Evening all! Well today I have been to the in-laws. I was careful not to have anything too bad but there was chocolate orange cake and no way could I say no to that! I am 4lb up this evening which I'm not too happy about. I have a day out tomorrow, meeting up with the Stone's while they are on holiday, so I'm not sure how many of those lb's I can shift by wednesday. I really want a loss this week so a gain would be disasterous!
Hey Taz, hope this works i'm doing it from my phone and it's my 2nd attempt! I'm sure you'll be ok with WI with all the cleaning and training you do. I'm not doing to bad, it's day 3 of my first week back to SW for the 3rd time! After doing the shopping yesterday nic made 14 meals, and we've written up a weeks menu so I can see what i'm doing and hopefully stay on track. So heres hoping. Good luck to you and I'll chat to you soon.
Have fun Taz. x x :)
Hey Taz, hope this works i'm doing it from my phone and it's my 2nd attempt! I'm sure you'll be ok with WI with all the cleaning and training you do. I'm not doing to bad, it's day 3 of my first week back to SW for the 3rd time! After doing the shopping yesterday nic made 14 meals, and we've written up a weeks menu so I can see what i'm doing and hopefully stay on track. So heres hoping. Good luck to you and I'll chat to you soon.
We should have done a swap on Saturday afternoon - I send Mr Taz round to wash your car and you send Nic round here to cook for me!

Sounds like you have a great plan there, you will do well with that. If I can move my arse early enough I will go for a swim after the gym this morning so hopefully that will help. This morning I am about 3lb up :eek: I think I have indulged more than I thought! I've had a few visitors over the last week though, one in particular keeps bringing food!
stay good taz!! enjoy meeting with the stones :)
I was quite good yesterday Abz, I had a bit of chocolate that was left over from a huge CDM egg the Stones had but apart from that I stuck to plan yesterday.
MM sounds like you had a nice easter. :) xx
I did! Here's what I did for the weekend:

Friday - Went to the club with friends from 1200-1830 then gave one of the girls a lift home via the chippy. She insisted on buying me and Mr Taz dinner and she stayed at our place til 10pm

Saturday - Met friends for breakfast then went shopping. Came home and did some cleaning then spent the evening relaxing

Sunday - Went to the in-laws for the afternoon/early evening. There was chocolate cake!

Monday - Went to see the Stone's in Cornwall. It rained! It was sunny all day here in Bristol and it peed down in Cornwall! Also saw my brother while I was there which was nice.

So today it's back to the gym and swimming and trying to shift the excesses of this last week!
Good morning, pretty much vegetated here, had a few good meals and some drinks of an evening.
Ok, so you'd be forgiven for thinking 'What excesses? Taz didn't have any easter eggs or hot cross buns!' While this is true, let me tell you a story about a lovely 'friend' of mine!

I have a friend, she lives very close to me and likes to know everyones business. last Wednesday afternoon another friend was coming to visit and while she was here my neighbour didn't want to be left out so she text me asking if I wanted mushrooms! they are sweets from Asda, they are yummy I'm not supposed to eat them cus of my jaw. So I said yes and she came round - with 3 bags of the sweets! So naturally, with them sitting in my cupboard I soon ate them! The following day she brought round a bag of midget gems! Again, the lack of will power meant they didn't last long. On Friday she bought me and Mr Taz take away and we had chocolate mousse after. She knows I am trying to lose weight and 3 days in a row she bought me fattening foods! I think I am going to have to start putting my foot down!