Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Good Morning Taz.
Rabbits my god i didnt think they were that expensive. Hope you have a good day Taz xx
ok i'm ana aminal lover but someone has to say-just think if the size of the pie you could make!!

just kidding of course-i know you've searched everywhere but have you tried places like the blue cross, just cos they're not rabbit specialists they do have animlas like that to be rehomes as do pets at home, might just be worth checking
Hi Taz, that's great that you've worked out the space and can fit the rabbit in.

That's really spooky because I imagined him being a gingery colour!! I assume its a he?!?

How's things going?
I have ALWAYS wanted a rabbit Gem. When I was a kid my parents wouldn't let me have one and I always wanted one. I considered getting a normal outside one here but it wouldn't work and we bookend the terrace with a pub and I would worry about it at the weekends. Also there are urban foxes near here so I would never risk it. This Giant is just so perfect

I always wanted one as a kid too but my mum said that they were too smelly lol :( Maybe one day......... xx
Afternoon all! Well I have spent almost ALL day working on my website and it is almost done, just waiting for my sister to phone me this evening to knock out the kinks that I can't quite fathom out!
it's looking rather fabulous hon :) you'll have the kinks worked out in no time.

speaking from experience, ask somebody who hasn't worked on the website itself to go through it and proofread things. it's so easy to get caught up in the design it's easy to not notice spellings, formatting etc.

i think it looks marvellous :)

abz xx
Thanks Abz, I am a total dense when it comes to web stuff and every time I changed something I was cringing incase I did it wrong. My sister had told me not to touch anything so I knew she would kill me if I messed anything up. It took all day but we got all the info we wanted on there but now we just have to work out how to change the pictures, the music and sort out the email form!
since you've already got the ability to put them on there it shouldn't be too difficult to change what you've got on there already. you've done a sterling job :)

i am finally going home. woohoo!!

what i want to do is fall face down in a pizza. what i will probably do is watch some x-files and go to sleep...

abz xx
Looking good Taz - I'm sure she'll sort it out in no time - it will all become clear (like mud?) x
Ha ha yeah I think you're right there Gem! I was under specific instructions not to touch but rather than emailing all the details to her then trying to do it all over the phone I decided to give it a go myself. She has a young family so her time is quite limited
website looks cool x
D'you think you'll be in trouble Taz?
Well I haven't messed anything up so I shouldn't be in too much trouble. As long as she doesn't feel like I've made her redundant though! There is still plenty for her to do though
I don't think she'll mind being made redundant - just having to put things right when it goes all wrong.

I used to upload to the wrong place and eldest daughter had to go looking for it, retrieve and put it in the right place x
That is kinda why she told me not to touch! She often helps with websites by phone and I think when she helped my mum she had to correct some mistakes! Ha ha