Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Morning Taz, yes love it makes your achievement even more special love.
How awful for them to have gone through all of that and come out with nothing! Glad you passed and it certainly does bring it home to you that it was by no means a foregone conclusion and the achievement was indeed a fantastic one x
Morning Taz :)

Well done again :) as if you went to training last night too! I don't know how you do it...

Yeah that does make your achievement seem even better, I do feel sorry for the people that failed though :(

Hope you're having a nice day? The sun is out here this morning.
She's got stamina that girl - amazing x
Of the 3 who failed only one was going for black. They are toughening up, in all my gradings I have never seen anyone fail and then 3 in one go! Some people just don't put in the effort and expect to get their next belt for just turning up!
Oooh and in other news, I ALWAYS gain weight after grading weekends and I got on this morning and I am only 2lb up still with 3 days to go! This could be the first time I don't gain weight on a WI after grading!
good news there then Taz, I look forward to your WI.
Hey Taz - it's good news all round x
We'll keep our fingers crossed for you x
Still 2lb up this morning and I am going out to lunch with a friend today so I may just scrape through an STS this week. I really don't want a gain
Morning Taz, it's weird how that happens isn't it love.
Yes but to be fair Jim, I had run out of bread for my sandwiches so ended up buying a mozzerella panini instead!
ah, there you go then, those panini's are very fattening, but so moreish. LOL.
LOL, I bet Taz, I allow myself one occasionally.
Taz - good luck losing the 2lb - your activity levels should've covered the pannini x
What activity levels Gem??? I am taking tonight off training and just resting then I will get back to swimming tomorrow
I'm absolutely sure you have plenty of "activity points" in the bank after the weekend x
Morning Taz, how are you today love.