Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Good morning Taz x
Morning :(

Well last night I decided to get Mr Taz to pick up a take away on the way home. We usually have one on a friday but I am working lates this week so we wont be able to have one on friday. i only have chow mein so I thought it wouldn't be too bad but this morning I am up another lb! So I will have to swim off 3lb today just to get STS on those scales tomorrow! Grrrrrrr
Hi taz, there is a lot of sugar in a chow mein love.
I am off for a swim before work now, see if I can work off some of that take away. Have a good day everyone x
Morning Taz :) enjoy your swim :)

And don't be so hard on yourself! you said that you usually put on acouple of pounds after a grading... so don't worry too much this week :) The black belt is worth it I am sure :D
You deserved the take-away - potato fritter and all x
Yes I know you are both right. I thought it was too good to be true to have a loss or STS after grading.

Well I got 50 lengths done today then went to work. I had a medical first then found out that I didn't actually have to go back into work after so just came straight home!
Morning Taz, how are you this morning?
Good morning Taz - well done with the swimming x

I am a little annoyed this morning! I got up and as usual turned on my laptop. Only this morning it wouldn't connect to the net so I rebooted my modem and router with no effect. After 4 times of doing this and one 2 minute burst of connection I phoned Virgin. They found the problem, the frequency in my modem is out so needs to be reset. To do this I need a visit from a technician and their earliest appointment? TUESDAY!!!! NOT happy. When it is fixed I will be asking for a reduction on my bill for the lost service.

Oh and I have a 3lb gain this morning
Morning Taz, not a good morning then love. :(
Hi Taz, how you doing? Thought I had better stop by and say hello!!

Congratulations on the black belt and stop doing so much swimming, you're leaving me behind!

Bad news on your internet connection but at least you sort of have some service until Tuesday.

I'm sure that with the swimming you are doing, you are going to get rid of that 3lb and more in no time at all.
You can never avoid scandal Tazzi!

Nomad, good to see you here again! I am now 40 lengths behind as I didn't make it out of bed in time to get to the pool this morning. Also I think I can attribute some of my 3lb gain to my recent visit from aunt Flo so hopefully I will drop that this week