Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Oh they will that Gem, we drank the little local village pub dry last year on the Friday night. :)

Oh yes Bon, there will be loads of photo's love and thanks for the birthday greeting love.
Ha ha - I bet you did Jim x
Word on the grapevine is that the landlady has ordered an extra delivery this year Gem. :) She was in the Barracks last week wondering if "Those Madmen" are coming again this year. LOL. My avatar is taken from that pub a couple of years ago. :D
Evening all! Yes I was at work today but just for a briefing day. I have a later day tomorrow so I am hoping to catch up with the swimming tomorrow morning but that will mean getting up nice and early to go to the morning adult swim session!

Happy birthday for Monday Jim! Have a great weekend x
Rotten having to get up when you could be having a lie in Taz xc
Morning Taz, and thank you love. :D
It's not so bad Gem. I got up at 5.30 and was in the pool just after half 6. I swam 120 lengths today in 1hour 54 minutes. It was a long slog but it should help towards a loss tomorrow!
I nearly did! I have done something to my arm, I think I have pulled something and it hurts a little!
Taz - that's amazing!!!! I hope your arm is OK soon x
Morning Taz :) Hope you're having a good day :)

Well done on all that swimming, you must have done loads towards your channel swim challenge now :D
Afternoon all! I have had a busy day today, picked up Kat at 8am and she has only just left! WI this morning and I have lost that 3lb gain from last week so I am pleased with that. Arm feeling better today but still a little achy
Really glad you're feeling better Taz - not working today then?
Just thought would pop by and say Hi, as havent been to read for a wee while! Hope you are well! Update me!! xxx
Hi Claire good to see you here again!

Update in a nutshell: I started the channel swim challenge and got off to a flying start before doing my black belt (and passing-woo hoo!) then had to have some time off to rest my achy muscles. I am back to swimming now and only a little behind target but it's doable. Weight is moving, I lost a little, gained 3lb with the help of AF then lost it again this week. I am working, training and swimming and occassionally find time to rest!
That sounds about right Taz! You make me feel tired just thinking about it x