Taz's diary - Need to do this!

I am indeed, such a waste! And that's 2lb in the bin for me this week!!!

That's not a waste - that's nasty little squatters - put the lid down quick and don't let them out :sign0151: x
Morning Taz, well done love :)
Well done!

Have a great day. x :)
Thanks everyone.

Jim that's a terrible story. Although without knowing the facts surrounding it (was it in a position that actually would endager people, how he dealt with the situation, whether he followed correct procedure, whether he put others at immediate risk whilst doing it) it's difficult to comment fully. We have had people sacked for seemingly small things on the surface but when all the facts are released it turns out they totally deserved it. All I can say really is, if he is a member of the RMT Union he will be fully supported and if it's as written he would be reinstated. I have my own opinions on SWT and their safety practices but it would be highly unproffessional of me to voice them on a public forum ;)
I do like jelly!

More decisions to make, I really don't like having to make decisions! SO, we now have a lovely lounge and it's really put the rest of the flat to shame. We have been working on sprucing up the bedroom this week and got rid of loads more stuff (more de-cluttering) but we still have an absolutely shockingly bad dysfunctional bathroom! There are no tiles on the wall and our attempt at doing it failed miserably. To have a shower we have to crouch in the bath which is no good for my knees or either of our backs! We have all the 'bits' to have a really nice bathroom but we just need the walls done. I priced up last night and it's going to cost about £350 and we have a small patch of plastering that needs doing which will probably cost about £100-£200. We also need an electrician to hook up our new shower which will be about £250 but that could wait til a later date. For now I am more concerned with getting the walls done and the shower screen up so we don't water the bathroom every time we have a shower!

Sooo the dilemma is this: Do we get the bathroom done or do we have a much needed holiday??? We only got one week away last year and promised ourselves we would get 2 weeks away this year but we won't even get that if we want to sort this place out this year!

I really want a nice functional place to live but we do desperately need a holiday this year too. So what should we do???

Answers on a postcard.... or on here!
Ouch! What a dillema indeed.

Would having all of the shower completed and having a nice bathroom be something close to like a holiday because it'd be that much more functional/luxurious?

I wish I could reach an opinion on this, I'm going on a much needed 3 day vacation with my own hubby soon too... it'd be hard to pick between that and replacing the dog-pee carpet in the living room, that's for sure!
Morning Hun ....
That is a very tricky one . As I'm sure you do need a much needed holiday away like me . I hope your keeping well though . Xxx
Morning Taz, I would get the bathroom done. You can still get away for a night or two, as you already have done a couple of times! You will still have time off work and can take time out and relax at home - which will be so much nicer with the bathroom done. You can go for days out which will be good but not as expensive as going on holiday. I hope I've made sense!!!!

Have a good day xx
I know how much you need both and hope you are able to decide which you need most. Can you have a bit of both - start the bathroom and have a holiday? x
Not really Gem, there is very little overtime available at work which means no spare cash. We are relying on the refund of our excess from the insurance to be able to get a holiday as it will be the only bit of 'free' cash we have. I don't think Mr Taz will budge on the holiday front but I so want to get this place sorted.
Mornin' Taz - I hope it all comes together x
Morning Taz :)
Morning all! Not much to report here, we've been sprucing up the bedroom and I am waiting for some more things to be delivered today. I have been selling some stuff on ebay and that's been going well. We will be able to pick up our rugs for the lounge on Wednesday so I'm really excited about that!
are you an ebay wiz then Taz?