Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Morning Taz and stuart :) that's a good deal for the Cinema then Taz
Evening Taz x
Good morning all! Well I have had a bit of a result at work. There was a dispute over our hours for me and another colleagues. We'd asked for them to sort it out as we were owed 35 hours (a whole week we'd worked for nowt) and yesterday our rostering department called me to say we'd been granted our week next week!!! Well, the following week is my last week of 2011 leave, the following week is a 3 day week all of which I have used my remaining leave days on and my first week of 2012 leave is the first week in January. So those who are keeping up will have noticed that after next week I have no work for 3 weeks! And now they have given me next week too I either have 4 weeks off or work some of next week and earn more money. Win-win methinks!!!

Oh, and further bonus: I had chosen the week I have next week as it meant I have only 7 booked days work in the last 2 weeks of the year ensuring I had enough leave days left to cover it all. That meant that I had to put myself in the longest week we have and it was a week of lates. Soooo I have escaped a 46 hour week and hopefully late shifts too!

Definately a tasty early christmas present :D

Not so good, my left knee is definately not good. It's locked or given out 4 times in the space of a week which is not a good sign. It's still not constant though so that's something. I will definately be booking an appointment with my physio in the new year.
Morning Taz, I had to read that a few times but I've got it now, Enjoy love :)
Taz IS complicated Nomad. Good news with the work situ - not so good news about the knee x
Yes that's true! As long as the knee holds out while I'm at work it's ok, I will go back to my physio in the new year
Evenin' Taz x

(A bit of a theme going on here I reckon)